UniProtKB 12 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P45446RORB_RATNuclear receptor ROR-betaRorb, Nr1f2, RzrbRattus norvegicus (Rat)470 AA
B2D6P4TBPL1_CAEELTATA box-binding protein-like 1tlf-1, F39H11.2Caenorhabditis elegans508 AA
P11474ERR1_HUMANSteroid hormone receptor ERR1ESRRA, ERR1, ESRL1, NR3B1Homo sapiens (Human)423 AA
P11473VDR_HUMANVitamin D3 receptorVDR, NR1I1Homo sapiens (Human)427 AA
P10276RARA_HUMANRetinoic acid receptor alphaRARA, NR1B1Homo sapiens (Human)462 AA
Q13952NFYC_HUMANNuclear transcription factor Y subunit gammaNFYCHomo sapiens (Human)458 AA
P51843NR0B1_HUMANNuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1NR0B1, AHC, DAX1Homo sapiens (Human)470 AA
P13631RARG_HUMANRetinoic acid receptor gammaRARG, NR1B3Homo sapiens (Human)454 AA
P19793RXRA_HUMANRetinoic acid receptor RXR-alphaRXRA, NR2B1Homo sapiens (Human)462 AA
P43354NR4A2_HUMANNuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2NR4A2, NOT, NURR1, TINURHomo sapiens (Human)598 AA
P62508ERR3_HUMANEstrogen-related receptor gammaESRRG, ERR3, ERRG2, KIAA0832, NR3B3Homo sapiens (Human)458 AA
P62509ERR3_MOUSEEstrogen-related receptor gammaEsrrg, Err3, Kiaa0832, Nr3b3Mus musculus (Mouse)458 AA
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