UniProtKB 4 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9BY67CADM1_HUMANCell adhesion molecule 1CADM1, IGSF4, IGSF4A, NECL2, SYNCAM, TSLC1Homo sapiens (Human)442 AA
Q13368MPP3_HUMANMAGUK p55 subfamily member 3MPP3, DLG3Homo sapiens (Human)585 AA
Q8R5M8CADM1_MOUSECell adhesion molecule 1Cadm1, Igsf4, Necl2, Ra175, Syncam, SynCam1, Tslc1Mus musculus (Mouse)456 AA
P30418NMT_CANALGlycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferaseNMT1, CAALFM_C401440WA, CaO19.12111, CaO19.4641Candida albicans (strain SC5314 / ATCC MYA-2876) (Yeast)451 AA
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