UniProtKB 69 results

Q4GBG2Q4GBG2_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIHomo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4G9M5Q4G9M5_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIHomo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4GUT4Q4GUT4_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4GIJ5Q4GIJ5_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4GR21Q4GR21_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4GGC8Q4GGC8_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4GTJ2Q4GTJ2_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4G8Y4Q4G8Y4_HUMANNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4NADH4, ND4, ndh4Homo sapiens (Human)459 AA
A0A024F9E6A0A024F9E6_LEPBYNitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein beta chainnifKLeptolyngbya boryana (Plectonema boryanum)512 AA
A0A193PN52A0A193PN52_9CRUSCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gnathia limicola419 AA
A0A024F8Y1A0A024F8Y1_LEPBYCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1coxA2Leptolyngbya boryana (Plectonema boryanum)556 AA
A0A024FA25A0A024FA25_LEPBYCoproporphyrinogen-III oxidasehemNLeptolyngbya boryana (Plectonema boryanum)465 AA
A0MVY7A0MVY7_LEPBYCircadian clock oscillator protein KaiCkaiCLeptolyngbya boryana IAM M-101517 AA
Q4GAL3Q4GAL3_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4G7P9Q4G7P9_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q9B2Y7Q9B2Y7_HUMANNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4ND4, NADH4, ndh4Homo sapiens (Human)459 AA
Q6RKZ7Q6RKZ7_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COI, coxIHomo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4GKW4Q4GKW4_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q4GVU8Q4GVU8_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1, coxIHomo sapiens (Human)513 AA
I0J080I0J080_9RHODRibulose bisphosphate carboxylase large chainrbcLPorphyra yamadae486 AA
Q4GV90Q4GV90_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q5XT74Q5XT74_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COI, coxIHomo sapiens (Human)513 AA
B1W8A6B1W8A6_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COI, COX1Homo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q7YCF0Q7YCF0_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COIHomo sapiens (Human)513 AA
Q6RNG4Q6RNG4_HUMANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COIHomo sapiens (Human)513 AA
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