UniProtKB 21 results

O14593RFXK_HUMANDNA-binding protein RFXANKRFXANK, ANKRA1, RFXBHomo sapiens (Human)260 AA
Q6IMI6ST1C3_HUMANSulfotransferase 1C3SULT1C3Homo sapiens (Human)304 AA
Q5VVX9UBE2U_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 UUBE2UHomo sapiens (Human)321 AA
Q9BRJ7TIRR_HUMANTudor-interacting repair regulator proteinNUDT16L1, SDOS, TIRRHomo sapiens (Human)211 AA
Q8WVN8UB2Q2_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 Q2UBE2Q2Homo sapiens (Human)375 AA
Q96CM3RUSD4_HUMANPseudouridylate synthase RPUSD4, mitochondrialRPUSD4Homo sapiens (Human)377 AA
Q9H867MT21D_HUMANProtein N-lysine methyltransferase METTL21DVCPKMT, C14orf138, METTL21DHomo sapiens (Human)229 AA
P46976GLYG_HUMANGlycogenin-1GYG1, GYGHomo sapiens (Human)350 AA
O95045UPP2_HUMANUridine phosphorylase 2UPP2Homo sapiens (Human)317 AA
Q96P16RPR1A_HUMANRegulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain-containing protein 1ARPRD1A, P15RSHomo sapiens (Human)312 AA
P0C024NUDT7_HUMANPeroxisomal coenzyme A diphosphatase NUDT7NUDT7Homo sapiens (Human)238 AA
Q8IU85KCC1D_HUMANCalcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1DCAMK1D, CAMKIDHomo sapiens (Human)385 AA
O75897ST1C4_HUMANSulfotransferase 1C4SULT1C4, SULT1C2Homo sapiens (Human)302 AA
Q8N2K1UB2J2_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 J2UBE2J2, NCUBE2Homo sapiens (Human)259 AA
Q9Y617SERC_HUMANPhosphoserine aminotransferasePSAT1, PSAHomo sapiens (Human)370 AA
Q8WXH4ASB11_HUMANAnkyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 11ASB11Homo sapiens (Human)323 AA
Q96PM5ZN363_HUMANRING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1RCHY1, ARNIP, CHIMP, PIRH2, RNF199, ZNF363Homo sapiens (Human)261 AA
Q9BR01ST4A1_HUMANSulfotransferase 4A1SULT4A1, SULTX3Homo sapiens (Human)284 AA
Q99496RING2_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RING2RNF2, BAP1, DING, HIPI3, RING1BHomo sapiens (Human)336 AA
Q8WYN0ATG4A_HUMANCysteine protease ATG4AATG4A, APG4A, AUTL2Homo sapiens (Human)398 AA
P04637P53_HUMANCellular tumor antigen p53TP53, P53Homo sapiens (Human)393 AA
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