UniProtKB 3 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P40417ERKA_DROMEMitogen-activated protein kinase ERK-Arl, ERKa, MAPK, CG12559Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)376 AA
Q8SXI2Q8SXI2_DROMECraniofacial development protein 1Yeti, 41Aa, BcDNA:RE36623, BCNT, BEST:GH01620, Dmel\CG40218, GroupI, l(2)41Aa, l(2)EMS31, l(2R)B, l(2R)EMS-31, YETI, CG40218, Dmel_CG40218Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)241 AA
E1JGY0E1JGY0_DROMEApterous, isoform Eap, AP, Ap, Apt, blt, Dmel\CG8376, LIM, neuro, S-2a, trw, Xa, CG8376, Dmel_CG8376Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)246 AA
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