UniProtKB 12,462 results
Group by Gene Ontology
UniProtKB Entries
Gene Ontology
- 12,462Top level
- 10,237biological_processGene Ontology ID:GO:0008150
- 473biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms2%
- 13biological process involved in intraspecies interaction between organisms<1%
- 1,588biological regulation8%
- 9,947cellular process50%
- 669detoxification3%
- 510developmental process3%
- 44growth<1%
- 207homeostatic process1%
- 165immune system process1%
- 486localization2%
- 13locomotion<1%
- 478multicellular organismal process2%
- 505negative regulation of biological process3%
- 7pigmentation<1%
- 498positive regulation of biological process2%
- 1,427regulation of biological process7%
- 206reproductive process1%
- 2,548response to stimulus13%
- 99rhythmic process<1%
- 45viral process<1%