UniProtKB 144 results

P09237MMP7_HUMANMatrilysinMMP7, MPSL1, PUMP1Homo sapiens (Human)267 AA
P13224GP1BB_HUMANPlatelet glycoprotein Ib beta chainGP1BBHomo sapiens (Human)206 AA
O43396TXNL1_HUMANThioredoxin-like protein 1TXNL1, TRP32, TXL, TXNLHomo sapiens (Human)289 AA
P41236IPP2_HUMANProtein phosphatase inhibitor 2PPP1R2, IPP2Homo sapiens (Human)205 AA
P80217IN35_HUMANInterferon-induced 35 kDa proteinIFI35, IFP35Homo sapiens (Human)286 AA
O00161SNP23_HUMANSynaptosomal-associated protein 23SNAP23Homo sapiens (Human)211 AA
Q7Z4W1DCXR_HUMANL-xylulose reductaseDCXR, SDR20C1Homo sapiens (Human)244 AA
O15144ARPC2_HUMANActin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 2ARPC2, ARC34, PRO2446Homo sapiens (Human)300 AA
O15143ARC1B_HUMANActin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1BARPC1B, ARC41Homo sapiens (Human)372 AA
Q10981FUT2_HUMANGalactoside alpha-(1,2)-fucosyltransferase 2FUT2, SEC2Homo sapiens (Human)343 AA
Q99581FEV_HUMANProtein FEVFEV, PET1Homo sapiens (Human)238 AA
Q14012KCC1A_HUMANCalcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1CAMK1Homo sapiens (Human)370 AA
Q8IUQ4SIAH1_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase SIAH1SIAH1, HUMSIAHHomo sapiens (Human)282 AA
Q92737RSLAA_HUMANRas-like protein family member 10ARASL10A, RRP22Homo sapiens (Human)203 AA
Q96AX2RAB37_HUMANRas-related protein Rab-37RAB37Homo sapiens (Human)223 AA
P09211GSTP1_HUMANGlutathione S-transferase PGSTP1, FAEES3, GST3Homo sapiens (Human)210 AA
P12429ANXA3_HUMANAnnexin A3ANXA3, ANX3Homo sapiens (Human)323 AA
P53674CRBB1_HUMANBeta-crystallin B1CRYBB1Homo sapiens (Human)252 AA
P48047ATPO_HUMANATP synthase subunit O, mitochondrialATP5PO, ATP5O, ATPOHomo sapiens (Human)213 AA
Q9H8S9MOB1A_HUMANMOB kinase activator 1AMOB1A, C2orf6, MOB4B, MOBK1B, MOBKL1BHomo sapiens (Human)216 AA
O15400STX7_HUMANSyntaxin-7STX7Homo sapiens (Human)261 AA
Q15056IF4H_HUMANEukaryotic translation initiation factor 4HEIF4H, KIAA0038, WBSCR1, WSCR1Homo sapiens (Human)248 AA
O95866G6B_HUMANMegakaryocyte and platelet inhibitory receptor G6bMPIG6B, C6orf25, G6B, G6B-BHomo sapiens (Human)241 AA
Q08752PPID_HUMANPeptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase DPPID, CYP40, CYPDHomo sapiens (Human)370 AA
P48059LIMS1_HUMANLIM and senescent cell antigen-like-containing domain protein 1LIMS1, PINCH, PINCH1Homo sapiens (Human)325 AA
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