UniProtKB 28,257,431 results

Q69383REC6_HUMANEndogenous retrovirus group K member 6 Rec proteinERVK-6, ERVK6Homo sapiens (Human)105 AA
Q07325CXCL9_HUMANC-X-C motif chemokine 9CXCL9, CMK, MIG, SCYB9Homo sapiens (Human)125 AA
Q8NHW4CC4L_HUMANC-C motif chemokine 4-likeCCL4L1, CCL4L, LAG1, SCYA4L1, CCL4L2, SCYA4L2Homo sapiens (Human)92 AA
A1L167U2QL1_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Q-like protein 1UBE2QL1Homo sapiens (Human)161 AA
Q02575HEN1_HUMANHelix-loop-helix protein 1NHLH1, BHLHA35, HEN1Homo sapiens (Human)133 AA
P10153RNAS2_HUMANNon-secretory ribonucleaseRNASE2, EDN, RNS2Homo sapiens (Human)161 AA
P04216THY1_HUMANThy-1 membrane glycoproteinTHY1Homo sapiens (Human)161 AA
P63316TNNC1_HUMANTroponin C, slow skeletal and cardiac musclesTNNC1, TNNCHomo sapiens (Human)161 AA
Q969L4LSM10_HUMANU7 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm10LSM10Homo sapiens (Human)123 AA
O96033MOC2A_HUMANMolybdopterin synthase sulfur carrier subunitMOCS2, MOCO1Homo sapiens (Human)88 AA
P0DN84DWORF_HUMANSarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase regulator DWORFSTRIT1, DWORFHomo sapiens (Human)35 AA
O14625CXL11_HUMANC-X-C motif chemokine 11CXCL11, ITAC, SCYB11, SCYB9BHomo sapiens (Human)94 AA
P61952GBG11_HUMANGuanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-11GNG11, GNGT11Homo sapiens (Human)73 AA
P03950ANGI_HUMANAngiogeninANG, RNASE5Homo sapiens (Human)147 AA
P55001MFAP2_HUMANMicrofibrillar-associated protein 2MFAP2, MAGP1Homo sapiens (Human)183 AA
P01215GLHA_HUMANGlycoprotein hormones alpha chainCGAHomo sapiens (Human)116 AA
P50150GBG4_HUMANGuanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-4GNG4, GNGT4Homo sapiens (Human)75 AA
P07438MT1B_HUMANMetallothionein-1BMT1B, MT1QHomo sapiens (Human)61 AA
Q16674MIA_HUMANMelanoma-derived growth regulatory proteinMIAHomo sapiens (Human)131 AA
P05112IL4_HUMANInterleukin-4IL4Homo sapiens (Human)153 AA
P29034S10A2_HUMANProtein S100-A2S100A2, S100LHomo sapiens (Human)98 AA
P27469G0S2_HUMANG0/G1 switch protein 2G0S2Homo sapiens (Human)103 AA
Q86UQ8NFE4_HUMANTranscription factor NF-E4NFE4Homo sapiens (Human)179 AA
P61925IPKA_HUMANcAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alphaPKIA, PRKACN1Homo sapiens (Human)76 AA
P01258CALC_HUMANCalcitoninCALCA, CALC1Homo sapiens (Human)141 AA
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