UniProtKB 18 results

Q8TDP1RNH2C_HUMANRibonuclease H2 subunit CRNASEH2C, AYP1Homo sapiens (Human)164 AA
Q9Y3C6PPIL1_HUMANPeptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 1PPIL1, CYPL1, CGI-124, UNQ2425/PRO4984Homo sapiens (Human)166 AA
Q9D0W5PPIL1_MOUSEPeptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 1Ppil1Mus musculus (Mouse)166 AA
Q68D20PMS2L_HUMANProtein PMS2CLPMS2CL, PMS2P13Homo sapiens (Human)193 AA
Q9UGN0Q9UGN0_HUMANPlatelet-derived growth factor A chainPDGFAHomo sapiens (Human)104 AA
A0A2C9DUD1A0A2C9DUD1_HUMANPleomorphic adenoma gene-like 1PLAGL1Homo sapiens (Human)64 AA
Q9XSP5Q9XSP5_PANTRPlatelet-derived growth factor A chainPDGFAPan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)11 AA
Q9XSP6Q9XSP6_PONPYPlatelet-derived growth factor A chainPDGFAPongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan)11 AA
Q9XSP7Q9XSP7_PYGNEPlatelet-derived growth factor A chainPDGFAPygathrix nemaeus (Red-shanked douc langur)11 AA
Q9XSQ4Q9XSQ4_9PRIMPlatelet-derived growth factor A chainPDGFAGorilla gorilla (western gorilla)11 AA
Q9XSP2Q9XSP2_SYMSYPlatelet-derived growth factor A chainPDGFASymphalangus syndactylus (Siamang) (Hylobates syndactylus)11 AA
Q9XSP8Q9XSP8_TRAJOPlatelet-derived growth factor A chainPDGFATrachypithecus johnii (Nilgiri langur) (Semnopithecus johnii)11 AA
A0A8I3B2C4A0A8I3B2C4_PANTRPleomorphic adenoma gene-like 1PLAGL1Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)64 AA
A0A2C9DUE8A0A2C9DUE8_PANTRPleomorphic adenoma gene-like 1PLAGL1Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)12 AA
A0A2C9DUF5A0A2C9DUF5_PANTRPleomorphic adenoma gene-like 1PLAGL1Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)10 AA
A0A2C9DUF3A0A2C9DUF3_PANTRPleomorphic adenoma gene-like 1PLAGL1Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)62 AA
A1YLA2A1YLA2_HUMANPLAG1 like zinc finger 1PLAGL1Homo sapiens (Human)12 AA
A1YLA1A1YLA1_HUMANPLAG1 like zinc finger 1PLAGL1Homo sapiens (Human)64 AA
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