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UniProtKB 420 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
O85762SSUE_PSEPUFMN reductase (NADPH)ssuEPseudomonas putida (Arthrobacter siderocapsulatus)197 AA
O97388MT1_TETPYMetallothionein-1Tetrahymena pyriformis107 AA
P32712NRFG_ECOLIFormate-dependent nitrite reductase complex subunit NrfGnrfG, yjcN, b4076, JW4037Escherichia coli (strain K12)198 AA
Q08311COTY_BACSUSpore coat protein YcotY, BSU11750Bacillus subtilis (strain 168)162 AA
Q08312COTZ_BACSUSpore coat protein ZcotZ, BSU11740Bacillus subtilis (strain 168)148 AA
P11863COTT_BACSUSpore coat protein TcotT, BSU12090Bacillus subtilis (strain 168)82 AA
M1Q3T4M1Q3T4_DROANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 2COIIDrosophila ananassae (Fruit fly)181 AA
A0A386B263A0A386B263_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Bovicola bovis (cattle chewing louse)112 AA
A0A386B2B1A0A386B2B1_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Falcolipeurus quadripustulatus117 AA
A0A386B2Q5A0A386B2Q5_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4LND4LColpocephalum griffoneae95 AA
A0A3G1TIG7A0A3G1TIG7_9NEOPATP synthase protein 8ATP8Trichodectes canis59 AA
A0A386B2C2A0A386B2C2_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Amyrsidea minuta119 AA
A0A386B2E2A0A386B2E2_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Bovicola ovis (sheep biting louse)112 AA
A0A386B2N4A0A386B2N4_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Colpocephalum griffoneae116 AA
A0A386JNA4A0A386JNA4_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Campanulotes compar (small pigeon louse)108 AA
A0A3P8MXI5A0A3P8MXI5_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Bovicola caprae112 AA
A0A386B2H4A0A386B2H4_9NEOPNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3ND3Trichodectes canis114 AA
A0A0L0BKX3A0A0L0BKX3_LUCCUPutative histone deacetylase complex subunit SAP30FF38_07718Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)174 AA
A0A0L0BKX6A0A0L0BKX6_LUCCUCyclin-dependent kinases regulatory subunitFF38_07921, FF38_08080Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)74 AA
A0A0L0BMA6A0A0L0BMA6_LUCCUglutathione transferaseFF38_13894Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)184 AA
A0A0L0BMI5A0A0L0BMI5_LUCCUFerritinFF38_06642Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)189 AA
A0A0L0BMU9A0A0L0BMU9_LUCCURING-box protein 1AFF38_13902Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)115 AA
A0A0L0BN20A0A0L0BN20_LUCCUSmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D2FF38_12546Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)122 AA
A0A0L0BNK7A0A0L0BNK7_LUCCUisocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD(+))FF38_11186Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)93 AA
A0A0L0BP03A0A0L0BP03_LUCCUSignal peptidase complex subunit 3FF38_11586Lucilia cuprina (Green bottle fly) (Australian sheep blowfly)137 AA
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