UniProtKB 34 results

B5BUQ6B5BUQ6_HUMANTumor necrosis factorTNFHomo sapiens (Human)157 AA
A0A411D318A0A411D318_HUMANTumor necrosis factorTNFAHomo sapiens (Human)52 AA
A0A0G2YPN5A0A0G2YPN5_HUMANTumor necrosis factorTNFHomo sapiens (Human)62 AA
I3WA68I3WA68_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)191 AA
E2I6F5E2I6F5_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptor variantEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)80 AA
I3WA72I3WA72_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)188 AA
A0A7S9GFS3A0A7S9GFS3_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)62 AA
I3WA73I3WA73_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)183 AA
A0A1Y0B9G5A0A1Y0B9G5_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase domainHomo sapiens (Human)30 AA
G9MC81G9MC81_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)28 AA
Q9H3C8Q9H3C8_HUMANTruncated epidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)131 AA
A0A1Y0B9F1A0A1Y0B9F1_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase domainHomo sapiens (Human)52 AA
A0A1Y0B9F8A0A1Y0B9F8_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase domainHomo sapiens (Human)52 AA
A0A1Y0B9G4A0A1Y0B9G4_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase domainHomo sapiens (Human)29 AA
A0A510GFL8A0A510GFL8_HUMANTumor necrosis factorTNF-alphaHomo sapiens (Human)12 AA
A0A068JD88A0A068JD88_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)52 AA
A0A1Y0B9F4A0A1Y0B9F4_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase domainHomo sapiens (Human)52 AA
A0A1Y0DMK7A0A1Y0DMK7_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)47 AA
B6RC66B6RC66_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptor variant EX12_15delEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)85 AA
F1JTL6F1JTL6_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)136 AA
Q4H1F3Q4H1F3_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)28 AA
Q8WZA5Q8WZA5_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)27 AA
Q9H3D0Q9H3D0_HUMANA431-specific truncated epidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)70 AA
A0A068JCC9A0A068JCC9_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)33 AA
A7VMV4A7VMV4_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFRHomo sapiens (Human)25 AA
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