UniProtKB 215 results

O60814H2B1K_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-KH2BC12, H2BFT, HIRIP1, HIST1H2BKHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
P06899H2B1J_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-JH2BC11, H2BFR, HIST1H2BJHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
P33778H2B1B_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-BH2BC3, H2BFF, HIST1H2BBHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
P58876H2B1D_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-DH2BC5, H2BFB, HIRIP2, HIST1H2BDHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q5QNW6H2B2F_HUMANHistone H2B type 2-FH2BC18, HIST2H2BFHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
P23527H2B1O_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-OH2BC17, H2BFH, H2BFN, HIST1H2BOHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
P62807H2B1C_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-C/E/F/G/IH2BC4, H2BFL, HIST1H2BC, H2BC6, H2BFH, HIST1H2BE, H2BC7, H2BFG, HIST1H2BF, H2BC8, H2BFA, HIST1H2BG, H2BC10, H2BFK, HIST1H2BIHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q16778H2B2E_HUMANHistone H2B type 2-EH2BC21, H2BFQ, HIST2H2BEHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q6DRA6H2B2D_HUMANPutative histone H2B type 2-DH2BC19P, HIST2H2BDHomo sapiens (Human)164 AA
Q8N257H2B3B_HUMANHistone H2B type 3-BH2BC26, H2BU1, HIST3H2BBHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q93079H2B1H_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-HH2BC9, H2BFJ, HIST1H2BHHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q99877H2B1N_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-NH2BC15, H2BFD, HIST1H2BNHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q7Z2G1H2BWT_HUMANHistone H2B type W-TH2BW1, H2BFWT, TH2B-175Homo sapiens (Human)153 AA
Q99880H2B1L_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-LH2BC13, H2BFC, HIST1H2BLHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q6DN03H2B2C_HUMANPutative histone H2B type 2-CH2BC20P, HIST2H2BCHomo sapiens (Human)193 AA
P57053H2BFS_HUMANHistone H2B type F-SH2BC12L, H2BFS, H2BS1Homo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q96A08H2B1A_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-AH2BC1, HIST1H2BA, TSH2BHomo sapiens (Human)127 AA
Q99879H2B1M_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-MH2BC14, H2BFE, HIST1H2BMHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q8CGP0H2B3B_MOUSEHistone H2B type 3-BH2bc26, H2bc26-ps, H2bu1, H2bu1-ps, Hist3h2bb, Hist3h2bb-psMus musculus (Mouse)126 AA
P04255H2B1_CAEELHistone H2B 1his-11, ZK131.5, his-15, ZK131.9, his-29, F35H10.11, his-34, F17E9.9, his-44, F08G2.1Caenorhabditis elegans122 AA
P10853H2B1F_MOUSEHistone H2B type 1-F/J/LH2bc7, H2b-f, Hist1h2bf, H2bc11, H2b-j, Hist1h2bj, H2bc13, H2b-l, Hist1h2bl, H2bc15, H2b-n, Hist1h2bnMus musculus (Mouse)126 AA
P10854H2B1M_MOUSEHistone H2B type 1-MH2bc14, Hist1h2bmMus musculus (Mouse)126 AA
Q2M2T1H2B1K_BOVINHistone H2B type 1-KH2BC12Bos taurus (Bovine)126 AA
Q8CGP2H2B1P_MOUSEHistone H2B type 1-PHist1h2bpMus musculus (Mouse)126 AA
Q9D2U9H2B3A_MOUSEH2B.U histone 2H2bu2, Hist3h2baMus musculus (Mouse)126 AA
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