A0A0B4KFY1 A0A0B4KFY1_DROME Single-minded, isoform D sim , 0483/09, 0716/08, 0899/14, 0953/08, 1002/10, 1034/02, 1050/13, 1110/04, 1111/10, 1330/08, 1479/04, bHLHe16, Dmel\CG7771, l(3)87Ea, l(3)E320, l(3)RD, l(3)S8, l(3)s8, S8, schm, shm, SIM, Sim, CG7771, Dmel_CG7771Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 672 AA A0A0B4KH05 A0A0B4KH05_DROME Single-minded, isoform C sim , 0483/09, 0716/08, 0899/14, 0953/08, 1002/10, 1034/02, 1050/13, 1110/04, 1111/10, 1330/08, 1479/04, bHLHe16, Dmel\CG7771, l(3)87Ea, l(3)E320, l(3)RD, l(3)S8, l(3)s8, S8, schm, shm, SIM, Sim, CG7771, Dmel_CG7771Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 675 AA Q59DY7 Q59DY7_DROME non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase [...] grp , 1C, CHK1, Chk1, chk1, CHK1/Grapes, Dchk1, dChk1, DmChk1, Dmel\CG17161, grapes, Grp, grp(chk), Grp/DChk1, grps, l(2)k15102, lemp, Pk36A, Pk?1, CG17161, Dmel_CG17161Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 398 AA A1YJS7 A1YJS7_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA A1YJS3 A1YJS3_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA A1YJS0 A1YJS0_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA A1YJR7 A1YJR7_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA A1YJR9 A1YJR9_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA A1YJS5 A1YJS5_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA A1YJT1 A1YJT1_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA A1YJT3 A1YJT3_DROME Bag of marbles bam , CG10422Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 405 AA