UniProtKB 3,359 results

J7FIX8IDTG_CLAPAGeranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase idtGidtGClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)334 AA
J7FJH2IDTC_CLAPAPrenyltransferase idtCidtCClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)367 AA
M1WA44EASC_CLAP2Catalase easCeasC, cpcat2, CPUR_04081Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)473 AA
Q9C141DMAW2_CLAP2Tryptophan dimethylallyltransferase 2dmaW2, cpd2, CPUR_04105Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)448 AA
Q00584G3P_CLAP2Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenaseGPD-1, CPUR_00276Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)337 AA
Q96VL0SODC_CLAP2Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]SOD1, CPUR_07438Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)154 AA
J7FIP8IDTP_CLAPACytochrome P450 monooxygenase idtPidtPClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)498 AA
J7FIJ6IDTB_CLAPATerpene cyclase idtBidtBClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)239 AA
J7FK08IDTF_CLAPAIndole diterpene prenyltransferase idtFidtFClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)427 AA
J7FK10IDTM_CLAPAFAD-dependent monooxygenase idtMidtMClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)491 AA
J7FJH1IDTQ_CLAPACytochrome P450 monooxygenase idtQidtQClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)529 AA
M1W266PIG18_CLAP2Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CPUR_05419CPUR_05419Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)534 AA
M1W5Z7EASF_CLAP24-dimethylallyltryptophan N-methyltransferase easFeasF, orfB, CPUR_04078Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)344 AA
M1VVW5EASD_CLAP2Chanoclavine-I dehydrogenase easDeasD, cpox2, CPUR_04080Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)261 AA
M1W5Z4LPSA2_CLAP2D-lysergyl-peptide-synthetase subunit 1lpsA2, cpps4, CPUR_04073Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)3,584 AA
M1W424TCPZ_CLAP2C6 finger domain transcription factor tcpZtcpZ, CPUR_02671Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)368 AA
J7FIP9IDTS_CLAPAIndole-diterpene biosynthesis cluster protein SidtSClaviceps paspali (Rye ergot fungus)259 AA
M1WG91PIG21_CLAP2MFS-type transporter CPUR_05422CPUR_05422Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)577 AA
M1WCE9PIG20_CLAP2Transcriptional regulator CPUR_05421CPUR_05421Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)618 AA
M1VWN2PIG19_CLAP2SHSP domain-containing protein CPUR_05420CPUR_05420Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)296 AA
M1WG89PIG16_CLAP2Monooxygenase CPUR_05417CPUR_05417Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)157 AA
M1W0Y0EASA_CLAP2Probable inactive dehydrogenase easAeasA, cpox3, CPUR_04084Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)380 AA
M1WF17M1WF17_CLAP2Pentafunctional AROM polypeptideCPUR_04367Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)1,571 AA
M1VXB2M1VXB2_CLAP2Sulfate adenylyltransferaseMET3, CPUR_06581Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)574 AA
M1W4J7M1W4J7_CLAP2Adenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase uba4uba4, cnxF, CPUR_00222Claviceps purpurea (strain 20.1) (Ergot fungus) (Sphacelia segetum)484 AA
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