UniProtKB 3 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A0B4KEN4A0A0B4KEN4_DROMEVang-like proteinVang, Dmel\CG8075, Stb, stb, Stbm, stbm, stbm/vang, strabismus/Van Gogh, VANG, vang, Vang/Stbm, vang/stbm, vangogh/strabismus, CG8075, Dmel_CG8075Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)608 AA
M9MRE4M9MRE4_DROMEDachs, isoform Edachs, 29C3-D1, 29CD, AAF52683, anon-EST:Liang-1.78, CG10595, CG13087, CG31610, clone 1.78, D, d, Dachs, Dh, Dmel\CG42840, DmMyo20, Ds, l(2)c00146, Myo29D, Myo3A, CG42840, Dmel_CG42840Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,426 AA
M9PFL6M9PFL6_DROMEFrizzled, isoform Cfz, CG3646, DFz, Dfz, dFz, DFZ1, DFz1, Dfz1, Dm Fz1, Dmel\CG17697, Frizzled, Frz, frz, FZ, Fz, FZ1, Fz1, fz1, fz[[1]], Fzd, CG17697, Dmel_CG17697Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)612 AA
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