UniProtKB 801 results

A0A8M9Q3E7A0A8M9Q3E7_DANREAdenylate cyclase, terminal-differentiation specificpdgfba, si:ch211-79m20.1Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)463 AA
A0A2R8Q0D8A0A2R8Q0D8_DANREPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BpdgfbbDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)483 AA
A0A8M9PEQ6A0A8M9PEQ6_DANREPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BpdgfbbDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)483 AA
Q9VM40Q9VM40_DROMEPDGF- and VEGF-related factor 3, isoform EPvf3, CG13781, CG13782, CG13783, CG31629, CG4492, Dmel\CG34378, DmVEGF-3, PVF, Pvf, PVF3, pvf3, PVFs, VEGF, VEGF27Ca, Vegf27Ca, CG34378, Dmel_CG34378Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)469 AA
Q9VM42Q9VM42_DROMEPDGF- and VEGF-related factor 3, isoform APvf3, CG13781, CG13782, CG13783, CG31629, CG4492, Dmel\CG34378, DmVEGF-3, PVF, Pvf, PVF3, pvf3, PVFs, VEGF, VEGF27Ca, Vegf27Ca, CG34378, Dmel_CG34378Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)482 AA
A0A8M9PWR6A0A8M9PWR6_DANREPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BpdgfbbDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)482 AA
A0A8M9PRI9A0A8M9PRI9_DANREPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BpdgfbbDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)482 AA
A0A662YU84A0A662YU84_ACIRTSmall ribosomal subunit protein uS10EOD39_11297Acipenser ruthenus (Sterlet sturgeon)485 AA
A0A1S3R8P6A0A1S3R8P6_SALSAPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BLOC106600896Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)543 AA
A0A2U3Y8G6A0A2U3Y8G6_LEPWEVascular endothelial growth factor C isoform X1VEGFCLeptonychotes weddellii (Weddell seal) (Otaria weddellii)419 AA
A0A340WNC0A0A340WNC0_LIPVEVascular endothelial growth factor CVEGFCLipotes vexillifer (Yangtze river dolphin)420 AA
A0A3B3R7P5A0A3B3R7P5_9TELEPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BParamormyrops kingsleyae407 AA
A0A3P8VX59A0A3P8VX59_CYNSEVascular endothelial growth factor CCynoglossus semilaevis (Tongue sole)427 AA
A0A3P8Y0P1A0A3P8Y0P1_ESOLUPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BEsox lucius (Northern pike)521 AA
A0A3Q3FQ55A0A3Q3FQ55_KRYMAVascular endothelial growth factor CKryptolebias marmoratus (Mangrove killifish) (Rivulus marmoratus)417 AA
A0A3S2UQS3A0A3S2UQS3_ORYJAPlatelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family profile domain-containing proteinOJAV_G00009300Oryzias javanicus (Javanese ricefish) (Aplocheilus javanicus)409 AA
A0A7K5N285A0A7K5N285_CHRMCVEGFC factorVegfc, CHRMAC_R09040Chroicocephalus maculipennis (Brown-hooded gull) (Larus maculipennis)413 AA
A0A7L1HQH9A0A7L1HQH9_9CHARVEGFC factorVegfc, NYCSEM_R12369Nycticryphes semicollaris413 AA
A0A7N4NZX2A0A7N4NZX2_SARHAVascular endothelial growth factor CVEGFCSarcophilus harrisii (Tasmanian devil) (Sarcophilus laniarius)418 AA
A0A8B7S1T4A0A8B7S1T4_HIPARVascular endothelial growth factor C isoform X1VEGFCHipposideros armiger (Great Himalayan leaf-nosed bat)422 AA
A0A8C3YBT7A0A8C3YBT7_9CETAVascular endothelial growth factor CVEGFCCatagonus wagneri (Chacoan peccary)418 AA
A0A8C5ZF75A0A8C5ZF75_MARMAVascular endothelial growth factor CVEGFC, VegfcMarmota marmota marmota (Alpine marmot)417 AA
A0A8C7AP21A0A8C7AP21_NEOVIVascular endothelial growth factor CVEGFCNeovison vison (American mink) (Mustela vison)421 AA
A0A8C7GXQ1A0A8C7GXQ1_ONCKIVascular endothelial growth factor CLOC109901284Oncorhynchus kisutch (Coho salmon) (Salmo kisutch)409 AA
A0A8C7U1F2A0A8C7U1F2_ONCMYPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BOncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) (Salmo gairdneri)515 AA
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