UniProtKB 11 results

Q6PQG4Q6PQG4_PHYINKazal-like serine protease inhibitor EPI9Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)80 AA
Q6PQH1Q6PQH1_PHYINKazal-like serine protease inhibitor EPI2Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)150 AA
Q6PPA1Q6PPA1_PHYBBKazal-like serine protease inhibitor PbraEPI1Phytophthora brassicae147 AA
Q6PQG2Q6PQG2_PHYINKazal-like serine protease inhibitor EPI11Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)84 AA
Q6PPA0Q6PPA0_PHYBBKazal-like serine protease inhibitor PbraEPI2Phytophthora brassicae119 AA
Q6PQG1Q6PQG1_PHYINKazal-like serine protease inhibitor EPI12Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)81 AA
Q6PQG7Q6PQG7_PHYINKazal-like serine protease inhibitor EPI6Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)257 AA
Q6PQG8Q6PQG8_PHYINKazal-like serine protease inhibitor EPI5GN958_ATG02664Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)88 AA
Q6PQG9Q6PQG9_PHYINKazal-like serine protease inhibitor EPI4GN958_ATG10669, GN958_ATG13589Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)318 AA
Q646V8Q646V8_PHYINPhytotoxin PcF proteinGN244_ATG18390Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)74 AA
Q646W6Q646W6_PHYINPhytotoxin PcF proteinGN958_ATG14385Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight agent) (Botrytis infestans)74 AA
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