UniProtKB 7 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P29883RIR2_VACCPRibonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chainOPG048, F14Vaccinia virus (strain L-IVP) (VACV)319 AA
A0A6L6XEY5A0A6L6XEY5_9FIRMLon proteaselon, GCK47_07295Roseburia intestinalis771 AA
A0A2T3G3U8A0A2T3G3U8_9FIRMLon proteaselon, C7U55_01290Faecalibacillus faecis773 AA
A0A2T3FLX0A0A2T3FLX0_9CLOTLon proteaselon, C7U56_13215Clostridium fessum773 AA
A0A2T3G0H3A0A2T3G0H3_9FIRMLon proteaselon, C7U54_07860Faecalibacillus intestinalis773 AA
A0A1I0C5Y7A0A1I0C5Y7_9FIRMLon proteaselon, C7256_07120, SAMN05216313_102312Enterocloster lavalensis771 AA
A0AAI7ZUR5A0AAI7ZUR5_HELP1Lon proteaselon, KHP_0024Helicobacter pylori (strain 51)831 AA
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