A0A348G613 A0A348G613_ODOMO peptidylamidoglycolate lyase [...] PAL2_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 353 AA A0A348G630 A0A348G630_ODOMO Cytochrome P450 2 CP2_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 514 AA A0A348G636 A0A348G636_ODOMO Myosin heavy chain, muscle MHCM_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 1,515 AA A0A348G639 A0A348G639_ODOMO Myosin heavy chain nonmuscle MHCNM_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 1,972 AA A0A348G641 A0A348G641_ODOMO Myosin VIIa MYO7A_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 2,166 AA A0A348G646 A0A348G646_ODOMO MyosinIB MYO1B_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 1,054 AA A0A348G612 A0A348G612_ODOMO peptidylamidoglycolate lyase [...] PAL1_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 524 AA A0A348G619 A0A348G619_ODOMO Elongation factor G, mitochondrial [...] EFGM_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 746 AA A0A348G631 A0A348G631_ODOMO Cytochrome P450 3 CP3_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 498 AA A0A348G632 A0A348G632_ODOMO Cytochrome P450 4 CP4_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 521 AA A0A348G633 A0A348G633_ODOMO Cytochrome P450 CP5_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 512 AA A0A348G634 A0A348G634_ODOMO Cytochrome P450 CP6_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 500 AA A0A348G642 A0A348G642_ODOMO Myosin XV MYO15_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 3,121 AA A0A348G5Y8 A0A348G5Y8_ODOMO Venom metalloproteinase 1 VMP1_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 591 AA A0A348G5Z2 A0A348G5Z2_ODOMO A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 7 ATS7_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 1,027 AA A0A348G629 A0A348G629_ODOMO Cytochrome P450 1 CP1_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 559 AA A0A348G643 A0A348G643_ODOMO Myosin Ie MYO1E_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 1,017 AA A0A348G644 A0A348G644_ODOMO Myosin XVIIIa MYO18A Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 2,081 AA A0A348G5Z0 A0A348G5Z0_ODOMO Matrix metalloproteinase14 MMP14_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 552 AA A0A348G5Z1 A0A348G5Z1_ODOMO A disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 12 ADAM12_OM Odontomachus monticola (Trap-jaw ant) 1,725 AA