UniProtKB 18 results

Q6MG72Q6MG72_RATHLA-B associated transcript 8, rat orthologueEhmt2, Apom, Bat4, Bat8, C2, C4a, Cfb, Csnk2b, G7e, Hspa1a, Hspa1b, Hspa1l, Ly6g5c, Ly6g6c, Neu1, Ng35, Rps25-ps2, Stk19Rattus norvegicus (Rat)1,263 AA
Q6MFX8Q6MFX8_RATGamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) B receptor 1Gabbr1, 9430032L10Rik, Mog, Olr1735_predicted, Olr1736_predicted, Olr1737_predicted, Olr1738_predicted, Olr1739_predicted, Olr1742_predicted, Olr1743_predicted, Olr1744_predicted, Olr1745_predicted, Olr1746_predicted, Olr1748_predicted, Olr1749_predicted, Olr1750_predicted, Rps15-ps, RT1-M3, RT1-M3-2, RT1-M6-1, Ubd, Zfp57, Znrd1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)960 AA
Q99JC6Q99JC6_RATTapasinTapbp, AA926063, B3galt4, Cdk2ap1-ps1, Col11a2, Daxx, Hsd17b8, Kifc1, LOC224733l-1, LOC224733l-2, Phf1, Rps25-ps1, RT1-A1, RT1-A2, RT1-A3, RT1-DOa, RT1-Hb, RT1-Ke4, Rxrb, Sacm2l-ps1, Sacm2l-ps2, Sec61-ps, Syngap1, tapasinRattus norvegicus (Rat)464 AA
P97949P97949_RATABC-type antigen peptide transporterTap1, Arrb2-ps, Hla-dma, Hla-dmb, Psmb9, RT1-Ba, RT1-Bb, RT1-Da, RT1-Db1, RT1-Db2, RT1-DOb, tap1, Tap2, TesbRattus norvegicus (Rat)725 AA
Q8R2H0Q8R2H0_RATV-type proton ATPase subunit GAtp6v1g2, Aif1, Bat1a, Cdk2ap1-ps2, Cdk2ap1-ps3, Cdk2ap1-ps4, Cdk2ap1-ps5, Cdk2ap1-ps6, E230034O05Rik, LOC224733l-3, LOC224733l-4, LOC224733l-5, LOC224733l-6, LOC224733l-7, LOC224733l-8, Lst1, RT1-CE12, RT1-CE3, RT1-CE5, RT1-CE6, RT1-CE8, RT1-CE9, Sacm2l-ps3, Sacm2l-ps4, Sacm2l-ps5, Sacm2l-ps6, Sacm2l-ps7, TnfRattus norvegicus (Rat)118 AA
Q6MGC8Q6MGC8_RATDeath domain-associated protein 6Daxx, AA926063, B3galt4, Cdk2ap1-ps1, Col11a2, Hsd17b8, Kifc1, LOC224733l-1, LOC224733l-2, Phf1, Rps25-ps1, RT1-A1, RT1-A2, RT1-A3, RT1-DOa, RT1-Hb, RT1-Ke4, Rxrb, Sacm2l-ps1, Sacm2l-ps2, Sec61-ps, Syngap1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)730 AA
Q6MG79Q6MG79_RATComplement C4AC4a, Apom, Bat4, C2, C4-1, C4b, Cfb, Csnk2b, G7e, Hspa1a, Hspa1b, Hspa1l, Ly6g5c, Ly6g6c, Neu1, Ng35, Rps25-ps2, Stk19Rattus norvegicus (Rat)1,737 AA
Q6MG87Q6MG87_RATPBX homeobox 2Pbx2, Ager, Btnl6, Cyp21a1-ps, Ng5, Rnf5, Stk19-ps, TnxRattus norvegicus (Rat)430 AA
A0A9K3Y7B8A0A9K3Y7B8_RATRNA helicaseDhx16, Ddx16, rCG_41808Rattus norvegicus (Rat)1,044 AA
Q6AXP2Q6AXP2_RATNegative elongation factor ENelfe, Rdbp, rCG_38266Rattus norvegicus (Rat)369 AA
Q6MGC5Q6MGC5_RATRAB2, member RAS oncogene family-likeRalgdsl2, AA926063, B3galt4, Cdk2ap1-ps1, Col11a2, Daxx, Hsd17b8, Kifc1, LOC224733l-1, LOC224733l-2, Phf1, Rab2l, Rgl2, Rps25-ps1, RT1-A1, RT1-A2, RT1-A3, RT1-DOa, RT1-Hb, RT1-Ke4, Rxrb, Sacm2l-ps1, Sacm2l-ps2, Sec61-ps, Syngap1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)778 AA
Q9TQA6Q9TQA6_RATClass II MHC RT1.D(N) beta chainRT1-Db1, Arrb2-ps, Db1, Hla-dma, Hla-dmb, Psmb9, RT1-Ba, RT1-Bb, RT1-Da, RT1-Db, RT1-Db2, RT1-DOb, RT1.D(n), Tap1, Tap2, TesbRattus norvegicus (Rat)264 AA
A6KTP7A6KTP7_RATLSM2 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associatedLsm2Rattus norvegicus (Rat)131 AA
Q6MGA3Q6MGA3_RATABC-type antigen peptide transporterTap2Rattus norvegicus (Rat)703 AA
F6PTF1F6PTF1_RATMyelin-oligodendrocyte glycoproteinMog, rCG_58610Rattus norvegicus (Rat)245 AA
A0A8I6A8H9A0A8I6A8H9_RATRCG61041, isoform CRA_aZbtb22, Znf297, rCG_61041Rattus norvegicus (Rat)636 AA
Q5U2N9Q5U2N9_RATBING4 proteinWdr46, Bing4, rCG_60759Rattus norvegicus (Rat)609 AA
A0A9K3Y6U3A0A9K3Y6U3_RATLeucocyte specific transcript 1Lst1, rCG_38282Rattus norvegicus (Rat)119 AA
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