UniProtKB 38 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P48611PTPS_DROME6-pyruvoyl tetrahydrobiopterin synthasepr, CG16784Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)168 AA
Q9VSF3UBC2M_DROMENedd8-conjugating enzyme UbcE2MUbcE2M, Ubc12, CG7375Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)181 AA
P52486UBCD4_DROMEUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-22 kDaUbc4, UbcD4, CG8284Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)199 AA
Q9V429THIO2_DROMEThioredoxin-2Trx2, CG31884Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)106 AA
P35128UBE2N_DROMEUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 Nben, UbcD3, CG18319Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)151 AA
Q9VTY6UBE2C_DROMEUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 Cvih, Ubch10, CG10682Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)178 AA
P25867UBCD1_DROMEUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-17 kDaeff, UbcD1, CG7425Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)147 AA
P47938THIO1_DROMEThioredoxin-1dhd, Trx-1, CG4193Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)107 AA
Q7K738UBC10_DROMEUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-18 kDaUbc10, ubcD10, CG5788Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)154 AA
Q9V3P0PRDX2_DROMEPeroxiredoxin 2Prx2, DPx-4783, Jafrac1, TPX-1, CG1633Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)194 AA
O61722PRL1_DROMEPRL-1 phosphatasePRL-1, BG:DS07473.3, PRL, CG4993Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)176 AA
P08879NDKA_DROMENucleoside diphosphate kinaseawd, K-pn, CG2210Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)153 AA
Q9NHD5SAN_DROMEProbable N-acetyltransferase sansan, span, CG12352Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)184 AA
Q9VA37DJ1B_DROMEProtein dj-1betadj-1beta, dj-1-beta, CG1349Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)187 AA
P82890PPAC1_DROMELow molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase 1primo-1, CG31311Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)155 AA
P82891PPAC2_DROMELow molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase 2primo-2, CG31311Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)164 AA
Q9VAM9MESH1_DROMEGuanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-pyrophosphohydrolase MESH1Mesh1, CG11900Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)179 AA
P56544ACYP1_DROMEAcylphosphatase-1Acyp, AcP, CG16870Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)120 AA
Q9VF36ACYP2_DROMEAcylphosphatase-2Acyp2, CG18505Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)102 AA
Q7KNM2Q7KNM2_DROMEDorsal interacting protein 4lwr, dip4, Dmel\CG3018, DmUbc9, Dmubc9, DUbc9, dUBC9, dUbc9, FBgn0010602, hbl, i105, i56, Iwr, l(2)01519, l(2)02858, l(2)05486, l(2)05487, Lwr, semi, Ubc 9, Ubc-9, UBC9, Ubc9, ubc9, Ubc9/Lwr, UbcD9, CG3018, Dmel_CG3018Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)159 AA
Q960M4Q960M4_DROMEPeroxiredoxin-5Prx5, CG 32920, CG 7217, CG3292, CG32920, CG7215-RA, Dmel\CG7217, dPRDX5, dPrx5, dprx5, dPrxV, PRDX5, prx5, CG7217, Dmel_CG7217Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)190 AA
X2JF59X2JF59_DROMEthioredoxin-dependent peroxiredoxinPrx2, 1633, cTPx, Dmel\CG1633, DmTPx-1, dPRDX2, dPrx I, dPrx1, dPrx2, DPx-4783, Dpx-4783, DPx4783, Jafrac, JAFRAC 1, Jafrac1, jafrac1, jf1, PRDX1, PRDX1/2/4, PRDX1_DROME, Prx, Prx4783, SSP5111, T20, TPX-1, CG1633, Dmel_CG1633Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)194 AA
Q8IRD4Q8IRD4_DROMEGlutathione peroxidaseGtpx, anon-WO0257455.17, Dmel\CG12013, DmGPx, DmGpx, DmPHGPx, GPx, Gpx, GTPx, GTPx-1, Gtpx-1, PGTPx, PHGPx, phGpx, Tpx1, CG12013, Dmel_CG12013Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)198 AA
Q9VXE8Q9VXE8_DROMEUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 SUbc7, col, Crl, crl, Dmel\CG4443, Ubc47D, UBC7, UbcD7, CG4443, Dmel_CG4443Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)167 AA
Q9VZQ8Q9VZQ8_DROMEGlutathione peroxidaseGtpx, anon-WO0257455.17, Dmel\CG12013, DmGPx, DmGpx, DmPHGPx, GPx, Gpx, GTPx, GTPx-1, Gtpx-1, PGTPx, PHGPx, phGpx, PHGPx-RA, Tpx1, CG12013, Dmel_CG12013Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)169 AA
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