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UniProtKB 9 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P01731CD8A_MOUSET-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chainCd8a, Lyt-2, Lyt2Mus musculus (Mouse)247 AA
Q61097KSR1_MOUSEKinase suppressor of Ras 1Ksr1, KsrMus musculus (Mouse)873 AA
P18572BASI_MOUSEBasiginBsgMus musculus (Mouse)389 AA
Q8CI75DI3L2_MOUSEDIS3-like exonuclease 2Dis3l2Mus musculus (Mouse)870 AA
Q8C3P7MTA70_MOUSEN(6)-adenosine-methyltransferase catalytic subunit METTL3Mettl3, Mta70Mus musculus (Mouse)580 AA
P08730K1C13_MOUSEKeratin, type I cytoskeletal 13Krt13, Krt1-13Mus musculus (Mouse)437 AA
O88898P63_MOUSETumor protein 63Tp63, P63, P73l, Tp73l, Trp63Mus musculus (Mouse)680 AA
P97500MYT1L_MOUSEMyelin transcription factor 1-like proteinMyt1l, Kiaa1106, Nzf1, Png1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,187 AA
Q8CCJ3UFL1_MOUSEE3 UFM1-protein ligase 1Ufl1, Kiaa0776, Maxer, RcadMus musculus (Mouse)793 AA
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