UniProtKB 76,156 results
Group by Gene Ontology
UniProtKB Entries
Gene Ontology
- 76,156Top level
- 60,634molecular_functionGene Ontology ID:GO:0003674
- 275antioxidant activity<1%
- 2,648ATP-dependent activity3%
- 42,166binding42%
- 107cargo receptor activity<1%
- 36,432catalytic activity36%
- 184cytoskeletal motor activity<1%
- 377electron transfer activity<1%
- 6fusogenic activity<1%
- 57general transcription initiation factor activity<1%
- 3membrane bending activity<1%
- 1membrane destabilizing activity<1%
- 1,721molecular adaptor activity2%
- 427molecular carrier activity<1%
- 3,283molecular function regulator activity3%
- 55molecular sequestering activity<1%
- 1molecular tag activity<1%
- 2molecular template activity<1%
- 1,446molecular transducer activity1%
- 264negative regulation of molecular function<1%
- 72nutrient reservoir activity<1%
- 11pore-forming activity<1%
- 357positive regulation of molecular function<1%
- 543protein folding chaperone1%
- 40protein-containing complex destabilizing activity<1%
- 632regulation of molecular function1%
- 5RNA folding chaperone<1%
- 1,388structural molecule activity1%
- 187toxin activity<1%
- 3,465transcription regulator activity3%
- 692translation regulator activity1%
- 4,599transporter activity5%