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UniProtKB 16 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9QYZ8DKK2_MOUSEDickkopf-related protein 2Dkk2Mus musculus (Mouse)259 AA
O88898P63_MOUSETumor protein 63Tp63, P63, P73l, Tp73l, Trp63Mus musculus (Mouse)680 AA
P26618PGFRA_MOUSEPlatelet-derived growth factor receptor alphaPdgfraMus musculus (Mouse)1,089 AA
P48432SOX2_MOUSETranscription factor SOX-2Sox2, Sox-2Mus musculus (Mouse)319 AA
Q61169GATA6_MOUSETranscription factor GATA-6Gata6Mus musculus (Mouse)589 AA
Q7M6Y2SOX11_MOUSETranscription factor SOX-11Sox11, Sox-11Mus musculus (Mouse)395 AA
P09803CADH1_MOUSECadherin-1Cdh1Mus musculus (Mouse)884 AA
P26339CMGA_MOUSEChromogranin-AChgaMus musculus (Mouse)463 AA
O88566AXIN2_MOUSEAxin-2Axin2Mus musculus (Mouse)840 AA
P62737ACTA_MOUSEActin, aortic smooth muscleActa2, Actsa, ActvsMus musculus (Mouse)377 AA
Q2TJ95RSPO3_MOUSER-spondin-3Rspo3Mus musculus (Mouse)277 AA
Q9Z1P4LGR5_MOUSELeucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor 5Lgr5, Fex, Gpr49Mus musculus (Mouse)907 AA
P11679K2C8_MOUSEKeratin, type II cytoskeletal 8Krt8, Krt2-8Mus musculus (Mouse)490 AA
Q62009POSTN_MOUSEPeriostinPostn, Osf2Mus musculus (Mouse)838 AA
Q922U2K2C5_MOUSEKeratin, type II cytoskeletal 5Krt5, Krt2-5Mus musculus (Mouse)580 AA
A0A0R4IZW5A0A0R4IZW5_MOUSECadherin-1Cdh1Mus musculus (Mouse)884 AA
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