UniProtKB 58 results

O75844FACE1_HUMANCAAX prenyl protease 1 homologZMPSTE24, FACE1, STE24Homo sapiens (Human)475 AA
Q8RX88FACE1_ARATHCAAX prenyl protease 1 homologFACE1, STE24, At4g01320, A_IG002N01.21, F2N1.21Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)424 AA
Q80W54FACE1_MOUSECAAX prenyl protease 1 homologZmpste24, Face1Mus musculus (Mouse)475 AA
Q9FLI5OMA1_ARATHMitochondrial metalloendopeptidase OMA1OMA1, At5g51740, MIO24.13Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)485 AA
P47154STE24_YEASTCAAX prenyl protease 1STE24, AFC1, YJR117W, J2032Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast)453 AA
Q3Y6B8FACE_TAESOCAAX prenyl protease 1 homologTsSte24pTaenia solium (Pork tapeworm)472 AA
D4A5K6D4A5K6_RATCAAX prenyl proteaseZmpste24Rattus norvegicus (Rat)475 AA
E1BMF2E1BMF2_BOVINCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Bos taurus (Bovine)473 AA
A6IS04A6IS04_RATCAAX prenyl proteaseZmpste24, Zmpste24_predicted, rCG_30672Rattus norvegicus (Rat)475 AA
A0A1U7TUK9A0A1U7TUK9_CARSFCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Carlito syrichta (Philippine tarsier) (Tarsius syrichta)475 AA
A0A2K5ZGS3A0A2K5ZGS3_MANLECAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Mandrillus leucophaeus (Drill) (Papio leucophaeus)426 AA
A0A452EKZ5A0A452EKZ5_CAPHICAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Capra hircus (Goat)475 AA
A0A8C9DAI7A0A8C9DAI7_PANLECAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Panthera leo (Lion)475 AA
A0A8C9KFP2A0A8C9KFP2_PANTACAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Panthera tigris altaica (Siberian tiger)473 AA
H0WZC0H0WZC0_OTOGACAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Otolemur garnettii (Small-eared galago) (Garnett's greater bushbaby)478 AA
I3LR30I3LR30_PIGCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Sus scrofa (Pig)475 AA
A0A096N1K1A0A096N1K1_PAPANCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Papio anubis (Olive baboon)475 AA
A0A0D9S7N0A0A0D9S7N0_CHLSBCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Chlorocebus sabaeus (Green monkey) (Cercopithecus sabaeus)475 AA
A0A2Y9SZS5A0A2Y9SZS5_PHYMCCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm whale) (Physeter catodon)475 AA
A0A8C5UJW7A0A8C5UJW7_MICMUCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Microcebus murinus (Gray mouse lemur) (Lemur murinus)475 AA
F6ZT41F6ZT41_MONDOCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Monodelphis domestica (Gray short-tailed opossum)476 AA
G3TFR6G3TFR6_LOXAFCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Loxodonta africana (African elephant)475 AA
M3W4K4M3W4K4_FELCACAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Felis catus (Cat) (Felis silvestris catus)475 AA
W5QG63W5QG63_SHEEPCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Ovis aries (Sheep)475 AA
A0A2I3STG9A0A2I3STG9_PANTRCAAX prenyl proteaseZMPSTE24Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)480 AA
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