UniProtKB 70 results

P08226APOE_MOUSEApolipoprotein EApoeMus musculus (Mouse)311 AA
P20664PRI1_MOUSEDNA primase small subunitPrim1Mus musculus (Mouse)417 AA
P22437PGH1_MOUSEProstaglandin G/H synthase 1Ptgs1, Cox-1, Cox1Mus musculus (Mouse)602 AA
Q05769PGH2_MOUSEProstaglandin G/H synthase 2Ptgs2, Cox-2, Cox2, Pghs-b, Tis10Mus musculus (Mouse)604 AA
Q06890CLUS_MOUSEClusterinClu, Apoj, Msgp-2Mus musculus (Mouse)448 AA
Q64285CEL_MOUSEBile salt-activated lipaseCel, Lip1Mus musculus (Mouse)599 AA
E9Q414APOB_MOUSEApolipoprotein B-100ApobMus musculus (Mouse)4,505 AA
P01027CO3_MOUSEComplement C3C3Mus musculus (Mouse)1,663 AA
P06876MYB_MOUSETranscriptional activator MybMybMus musculus (Mouse)636 AA
P11157RIR2_MOUSERibonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2Rrm2Mus musculus (Mouse)390 AA
P14847CRP_MOUSEC-reactive proteinCrp, Ptx1Mus musculus (Mouse)225 AA
P16882GHR_MOUSEGrowth hormone receptorGhrMus musculus (Mouse)650 AA
P22599A1AT2_MOUSEAlpha-1-antitrypsin 1-2Serpina1b, Aat2, Dom2, Spi1-2Mus musculus (Mouse)413 AA
Q00612G6PD1_MOUSEGlucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase XG6pdx, G6pd, G6pd-1Mus musculus (Mouse)515 AA
Q61823PDCD4_MOUSEProgrammed cell death protein 4Pdcd4, Ma3, TisMus musculus (Mouse)469 AA
Q6P8U6LIPP_MOUSEPancreatic triacylglycerol lipasePnlipMus musculus (Mouse)465 AA
Q8C196CPSM_MOUSECarbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrialCps1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,500 AA
O55137ACOT1_MOUSEAcyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 1Acot1, Cte1Mus musculus (Mouse)419 AA
P07759SPA3K_MOUSESerine protease inhibitor A3KSerpina3k, Mcm2, Spi2Mus musculus (Mouse)418 AA
P08032SPTA1_MOUSESpectrin alpha chain, erythrocytic 1Spta1, Spna1, SptaMus musculus (Mouse)2,415 AA
P16301LCAT_MOUSEPhosphatidylcholine-sterol acyltransferaseLcatMus musculus (Mouse)438 AA
P16331PH4H_MOUSEPhenylalanine-4-hydroxylasePahMus musculus (Mouse)453 AA
P18337LYAM1_MOUSEL-selectinSell, Lnhr, Ly-22, Ly22Mus musculus (Mouse)372 AA
P20352TF_MOUSETissue factorF3, Cf-3, Cf3Mus musculus (Mouse)294 AA
P27656LIPC_MOUSEHepatic triacylglycerol lipaseLipc, HplMus musculus (Mouse)510 AA
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