UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P28741KIF3A_MOUSEKinesin-like protein KIF3AKif3a, Kif3Mus musculus (Mouse)701 AA
P47806GLI1_MOUSEZinc finger protein GLI1Gli1, GliMus musculus (Mouse)1,111 AA
Q61115PTC1_MOUSEProtein patched homolog 1Ptch1, PtchMus musculus (Mouse)1,434 AA
Q80Z25OFD1_MOUSECentriole and centriolar satellite protein OFD1Ofd1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,017 AA
Q61473SOX17_MOUSETranscription factor SOX-17Sox17, Sox-17Mus musculus (Mouse)419 AA
Q62226SHH_MOUSESonic hedgehog proteinShh, Hhg1Mus musculus (Mouse)437 AA
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