UniProtKB 681 results

Q6MGB6RING1_RATE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RING1Ring1, Rnf1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)406 AA
P69897TBB5_RATTubulin beta-5 chainTubb5Rattus norvegicus (Rat)444 AA
Q6MG49BAG6_RATLarge proline-rich protein BAG6Bag6, Bat3Rattus norvegicus (Rat)1,146 AA
Q96FZ5CKLF7_HUMANCKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 7CMTM7, CKLFSF7Homo sapiens (Human)175 AA
Q70Z445HT3D_HUMAN5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3DHTR3DHomo sapiens (Human)454 AA
Q9P2N4ATS9_HUMANA disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 9ADAMTS9, KIAA1312Homo sapiens (Human)1,935 AA
P98194AT2C1_HUMANCalcium-transporting ATPase type 2C member 1ATP2C1, KIAA1347, PMR1L, HUSSY-28Homo sapiens (Human)919 AA
Q13214SEM3B_HUMANSemaphorin-3BSEMA3B, SEMA5, SEMAAHomo sapiens (Human)749 AA
Q96KR4LMLN_HUMANLeishmanolysin-like peptidaseLMLNHomo sapiens (Human)647 AA
Q13275SEM3F_HUMANSemaphorin-3FSEMA3FHomo sapiens (Human)785 AA
Q9NYQ7CELR3_HUMANCadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3CELSR3, CDHF11, EGFL1, FMI1, KIAA0812, MEGF2Homo sapiens (Human)3,312 AA
A6NMZ7CO6A6_HUMANCollagen alpha-6(VI) chainCOL6A6Homo sapiens (Human)2,263 AA
Q16829DUS7_HUMANDual specificity protein phosphatase 7DUSP7, PYST2Homo sapiens (Human)419 AA
O43820HYAL3_HUMANHyaluronidase-3HYAL3, LUCA3Homo sapiens (Human)417 AA
O75155CAND2_HUMANCullin-associated NEDD8-dissociated protein 2CAND2, KIAA0667, TIP120BHomo sapiens (Human)1,236 AA
Q9ULU8CAPS1_HUMANCalcium-dependent secretion activator 1CADPS, CAPS, CAPS1, KIAA1121Homo sapiens (Human)1,353 AA
O95196CSPG5_HUMANChondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5CSPG5, CALEB, NGCHomo sapiens (Human)566 AA
Q92777SYN2_HUMANSynapsin-2SYN2Homo sapiens (Human)582 AA
Q12794HYAL1_HUMANHyaluronidase-1HYAL1, LUCA1Homo sapiens (Human)435 AA
Q15051IQCB1_HUMANIQ calmodulin-binding motif-containing protein 1IQCB1, KIAA0036, NPHP5, OK/SW-cl.85Homo sapiens (Human)598 AA
Q93015NAA80_HUMANN-alpha-acetyltransferase 80NAA80, FUS2, NAT6Homo sapiens (Human)286 AA
O00533NCHL1_HUMANNeural cell adhesion molecule L1-like proteinCHL1, CALLHomo sapiens (Human)1,208 AA
A8MV65VGLL3_HUMANTranscription cofactor vestigial-like protein 3VGLL3Homo sapiens (Human)326 AA
Q06033ITIH3_HUMANInter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3ITIH3Homo sapiens (Human)890 AA
Q96DZ7T4S19_HUMANTransmembrane 4 L6 family member 19TM4SF19, OCTM4Homo sapiens (Human)209 AA
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