UniProtKB 19 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
O54800CADH8_RATCadherin-8Cdh8Rattus norvegicus (Rat)799 AA
Q641Y5ATG7_RATUbiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme ATG7Atg7, Apg7lRattus norvegicus (Rat)698 AA
P29974CNGA1_MOUSECyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha-1Cnga1, Cncg, Cncg1Mus musculus (Mouse)684 AA
Q99884SC6A7_HUMANSodium-dependent proline transporterSLC6A7, PROTHomo sapiens (Human)636 AA
Q05306COAA1_MOUSECollagen alpha-1(X) chainCol10a1Mus musculus (Mouse)680 AA
Q14765STAT4_HUMANSignal transducer and activator of transcription 4STAT4Homo sapiens (Human)748 AA
P31662S6A17_RATSodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter SLC6A17Slc6a17, Ntt4, Rxt1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)727 AA
P48067SC6A9_HUMANSodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 1SLC6A9Homo sapiens (Human)706 AA
Q03692COAA1_HUMANCollagen alpha-1(X) chainCOL10A1Homo sapiens (Human)680 AA
P29973CNGA1_HUMANCyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha-1CNGA1, CNCG, CNCG1Homo sapiens (Human)686 AA
P48029SC6A8_HUMANSodium- and chloride-dependent creatine transporter 1SLC6A8Homo sapiens (Human)635 AA
O88576S6A18_MOUSESodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT3Slc6a18, B0at3, Xt2, Xtrp2Mus musculus (Mouse)615 AA
Q60857SC6A4_MOUSESodium-dependent serotonin transporterSlc6a4, Htt, SertMus musculus (Mouse)630 AA
Q9Z2G1FM1AA_MOUSEProtein fem-1 homolog A-AFem1aa, Eprap, Fem1aMus musculus (Mouse)654 AA
Q9Z1E4GYS1_MOUSEGlycogen [starch] synthase, muscleGys1, Gys, Gys3Mus musculus (Mouse)738 AA
Q61391NEP_MOUSENeprilysinMmeMus musculus (Mouse)750 AA
Q60769TNAP3_MOUSETumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3Tnfaip3, Tnfip3Mus musculus (Mouse)775 AA
Q9Z2G0FEM1B_MOUSEProtein fem-1 homolog BFem1b, F1aa, Kiaa0396Mus musculus (Mouse)627 AA
P42128FOXK1_MOUSEForkhead box protein K1Foxk1, MnfMus musculus (Mouse)719 AA
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