UniProtKB 5 results

Q14973NTCP_HUMANHepatic sodium/bile acid cotransporterSLC10A1, NTCP, GIG29Homo sapiens (Human)349 AA
P55212CASP6_HUMANCaspase-6CASP6, MCH2Homo sapiens (Human)293 AA
P04637P53_HUMANCellular tumor antigen p53TP53, P53Homo sapiens (Human)393 AA
Q69091GD_HHV11Envelope glycoprotein DgD, US6Human herpesvirus 1 (strain 17) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)394 AA
C5H429DBR2_ARTANArtemisinic aldehyde Delta(11(13)) reductaseDBR2, AARArtemisia annua (Sweet wormwood)388 AA
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