UniProtKB 24 results

C0HK28CYML1_MELLFCyclotide mela-1Melicytus latifolius (Norfolk Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia)29 AA
C0HK36CYMC2_MELCTCyclotide mech-2Melicytus chathamicus (Chatham Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica)29 AA
C0HK37CYMC3_MELCTCyclotide mech-3Melicytus chathamicus (Chatham Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica)29 AA
C0HK40CYMC6_MELCTCyclotide mech-6Melicytus chathamicus (Chatham Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica)31 AA
C0HK30CYML3_MELLFCyclotide mela-3Melicytus latifolius (Norfolk Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia)29 AA
C0HK29CYML2_MELLFCyclotide mela-2Melicytus latifolius (Norfolk Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia)29 AA
C0HK41CYMC7_MELCTCyclotide mech-7Melicytus chathamicus (Chatham Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica)29 AA
C0HK31CYML4_MELLFCyclotide mela-4Melicytus latifolius (Norfolk Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia)29 AA
C0HK32CYML5_MELLFCyclotide mela-5Melicytus latifolius (Norfolk Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia)30 AA
C0HK33CYML6_MELLFCyclotide mela-6Melicytus latifolius (Norfolk Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia)29 AA
C0HK34CYML7_MELLFCyclotide mela-7Melicytus latifolius (Norfolk Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia)29 AA
C0HK35CYMC1_MELCTCyclotide mech-1Melicytus chathamicus (Chatham Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica)30 AA
C0HK38CYMC4_MELCTCyclotide mech-4Melicytus chathamicus (Chatham Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica)31 AA
C0HK39CYMC5_MELCTCyclotide mech-5Melicytus chathamicus (Chatham Island mahoe) (Hymenanthera latifolia var. chathamica)31 AA
Q969E1LEAP2_HUMANLiver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2LEAP2Homo sapiens (Human)77 AA
C0HLN7CYHEC_PIGENCyclotide hyen-CPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)30 AA
C0HLP0CYHEF_PIGENCyclotide hyen-FPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)30 AA
C0HLP1CYHEG_PIGENCyclotide hyen-GPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)30 AA
C0HLP3CYHEI_PIGENCyclotide hyen-IPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)31 AA
C0HLP6CYHEL_PIGENCyclotide hyen-LPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)30 AA
C0HLN9CYHEE_PIGENCyclotide hyen-EPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)30 AA
C0HLP2CYHEH_PIGENCyclotide hyen-HPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)30 AA
C0HLP4CYHEJ_PIGENCyclotide hyen-JPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)31 AA
C0HLP5CYHEK_PIGENCyclotide hyen-KPigea enneasperma (Spade flower) (Afrohybanthus enneaspermus)30 AA
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