UniProtKB 6 results

Q8WV15T255B_HUMANTransmembrane protein 255BTMEM255B, FAM70BHomo sapiens (Human)326 AA
Q5JRV8T255A_HUMANTransmembrane protein 255ATMEM255A, FAM70AHomo sapiens (Human)349 AA
A0A6I8SGA7A0A6I8SGA7_XENTRTransmembrane protein 255Alamp2Xenopus tropicalis (Western clawed frog) (Silurana tropicalis)635 AA
F7D286F7D286_XENTRTransmembrane protein 255Alamp2Xenopus tropicalis (Western clawed frog) (Silurana tropicalis)665 AA
A0A8X7X936A0A8X7X936_POLSECUL4B proteinCul4b, GTO96_0002857Polypterus senegalus (Senegal bichir)1,198 AA
A0A8J4U2F6A0A8J4U2F6_CLAMGCentromere-associated protein Ecenpe, DAT39_007657Clarias magur (Asian catfish) (Macropteronotus magur)3,357 AA
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