UniProtKB 99 results

Q00946VPRT_ASFB7Cysteine protease S273RBa71V-111, S273RAfrican swine fever virus (strain Badajoz 1971 Vero-adapted) (Ba71V) (ASFV)273 AA
A0A0U3F1W5A0A0U3F1W5_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
A0A0X9JEX8A0A0X9JEX8_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
A0A6C0X2L6A0A6C0X2L6_9NIDOReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 21,457 AA
A0A6C0X2P1A0A6C0X2P1_9NIDOReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 21,457 AA
A0A4Y5T732A0A4Y5T732_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,463 AA
A0A6C0X2L0A0A6C0X2L0_9NIDOReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 21,457 AA
A0A6C0X2P4A0A6C0X2P4_9NIDOReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 21,457 AA
A0A6C0X2M9A0A6C0X2M9_9NIDOReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 21,457 AA
A0A6C0X2M2A0A6C0X2M2_9NIDOReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 21,457 AA
D0VED8D0VED8_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,463 AA
A0A513WY84A0A513WY84_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
A0A0X8ARY9A0A0X8ARY9_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
A0T1M8A0T1M8_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
A0A345AHZ7A0A345AHZ7_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,457 AA
V5JCZ4V5JCZ4_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,463 AA
V5JCT5V5JCT5_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,463 AA
V5JD54V5JD54_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abORF1bPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,463 AA
I3QIK9I3QIK9_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
I3QIL7I3QIL7_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
I3QIQ7I3QIQ7_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
I3QIT9I3QIT9_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
I3QIV5I3QIV5_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
I3QJ03I3QJ03_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
I3QIP9I3QIP9_PRRSVReplicase polyprotein 1abPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)1,460 AA
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