UniProtKB 1 result

A0A0D8G707A0A0D8G707_ACIBAMacB family efflux pump subunitmacB, ABR2091_0527, ABUW_3363, AUO97_10105, B9X95_00195, CV954_017100, DOL94_08180, EA722_00035, EJ062_03620, EKS29_09795, F2P40_14105, F4T85_01915, FJU42_00095, FJU79_10290, FPK81_09035, GNY86_09180, GSE42_02490, H0529_13670, IAG11_00035, IHV20_04620, IMO23_02640, LV35_03249, SAMEA104305318_00088Acinetobacter baumannii664 AA
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