UniProtKB 13 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A571BF46A0A571BF46_MOUSENebulinNebMus musculus (Mouse)7,488 AA
A2AQA9A2AQA9_MOUSENebulinNebMus musculus (Mouse)6,909 AA
E9Q0B6E9Q0B6_MOUSEDynein, axonemal, heavy chain 6Dnah6, Dnahc6Mus musculus (Mouse)4,144 AA
E9Q1W3E9Q1W3_MOUSENebulinNebMus musculus (Mouse)7,152 AA
E9QPU2E9QPU2_MOUSEDynein heavy chain 12, axonemalDnah12, Dnahc12Mus musculus (Mouse)2,316 AA
A0A571BF58A0A571BF58_MOUSENebulinNebMus musculus (Mouse)7,523 AA
E9Q3H7E9Q3H7_MOUSEDynein, axonemal, heavy chain 6Dnah6, Dnahc6Mus musculus (Mouse)4,092 AA
D3Z667D3Z667_MOUSEDynein, axonemal, heavy chain 2Dnah2, Dnahc2Mus musculus (Mouse)4,462 AA
E9Q3M3E9Q3M3_MOUSEDynactin subunit 1Dctn1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,264 AA
F6RDH3F6RDH3_MOUSENebulinNebMus musculus (Mouse)1,190 AA
A0A0R4J0H3A0A0R4J0H3_MOUSERetinol binding protein 3, interstitialRbp3Mus musculus (Mouse)1,234 AA
A2AQB2A2AQB2_MOUSENebulinNebMus musculus (Mouse)3,044 AA
E9Q586E9Q586_MOUSEDynactin subunit 1Dctn1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,239 AA
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