UniProtKB 15 results

F5HCD4ORF35_HHV8PProtein ORF35ORF35Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)150 AA
Q2HRC8ORF11_HHV8PProtein ORF11ORF11Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)407 AA
F5HDY6ORF27_HHV8PProtein ORF27ORF27Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)290 AA
F5HET8K6_HHV8PProtein K6K6Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)95 AA
F5HF36K42_HHV8PProtein K4.2K4.2Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)182 AA
Q77Q38K12_HHV8PProtein K12K12Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)60 AA
Q2HRC9ORF10_HHV8PProtein ORF10ORF10Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)418 AA
Q9QR70ORF75_HHV8PProtein ORF75ORF75Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)1,296 AA
Q2HR85ORF48_HHV8PTegument protein ORF48ORF48Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)402 AA
F5HES7ORF30_HHV8PProtein ORF30ORF30Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)77 AA
A0A3G5R0X4A0A3G5R0X4_9DELAReverse transcriptaseRTHuman T-cell leukemia virus type I585 AA
A0A3G5R110A0A3G5R110_9DELAReverse transcriptaseRTHuman T-cell leukemia virus type I585 AA
A0A3G5R2V5A0A3G5R2V5_9DELAReverse transcriptaseRTHuman T-cell leukemia virus type I585 AA
A0A3G5R0X2A0A3G5R0X2_9DELAReverse transcriptaseRTHuman T-cell leukemia virus type I585 AA
A0A3G5R4B1A0A3G5R4B1_9DELAReverse transcriptaseRTHuman T-cell leukemia virus type I585 AA
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