UniProtKB 15,690 results

B0U3C2Y1428_XYLFMUPF0301 protein Xfasm12_1428Xfasm12_1428Xylella fastidiosa (strain M12)188 AA
B0U6B4MINE_XYLFMCell division topological specificity factorminE, Xfasm12_0678Xylella fastidiosa (strain M12)85 AA
Q83WL4Y2501_XYLFTUncharacterized protein PDa0001PDa0001Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)45 AA
Q87AD2Y1894_XYLFTProbable membrane transporter protein PD_1894PD_1894Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)261 AA
Q87BS6HRCA_XYLFTHeat-inducible transcription repressor HrcAhrcA, PD_1372Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)349 AA
Q87D06FETP_XYLFTProbable Fe(2+)-trafficking proteinPD_0883Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)90 AA
Q9P9T3Y1567_XYLFAUncharacterized protein XF_1567/XF_1672XF_1567, XF_1672Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)77 AA
Q9PBJ5APAG_XYLFAProtein ApaGapaG, XF_2149Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)127 AA
Q9PC75Y1906_XYLFAProbable transcriptional regulatory protein XF_1906XF_1906Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)244 AA
Q9PCZ7SLYX_XYLFAProtein SlyX homologslyX, XF_1607Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)78 AA
Q9PHE9PARB2_XYLFAProbable plasmid-partitioning protein ParBXF_a0059Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)401 AA
B0U2D9Y1059_XYLFMProbable transcriptional regulatory protein Xfasm12_1059Xfasm12_1059Xylella fastidiosa (strain M12)244 AA
B0U354APAG_XYLFMProtein ApaGapaG, Xfasm12_1353Xylella fastidiosa (strain M12)127 AA
B2I5W7EFPL_XYLF2Elongation factor P-like proteinXfasM23_1338Xylella fastidiosa (strain M23)188 AA
B2I6F8HRCA_XYLF2Heat-inducible transcription repressor HrcAhrcA, XfasM23_1457Xylella fastidiosa (strain M23)349 AA
B2I7R6Y1674_XYLF2UPF0102 protein XfasM23_1674XfasM23_1674Xylella fastidiosa (strain M23)121 AA
Q87C84APAG_XYLFTProtein ApaGapaG, PD_1209Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)127 AA
Q87CB7SLYX_XYLFTProtein SlyX homologslyX, PD_1166Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)78 AA
Q87D75FISL_XYLFTPutative Fis-like DNA-binding proteinPD_0811Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)90 AA
Q9PAZ9Y2346_XYLFAUPF0125 protein XF_2346XF_2346Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)80 AA
Q9PBE1EFPL_XYLFAElongation factor P-like proteinXF_2203Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)188 AA
Q9PBY7FISL_XYLFAPutative Fis-like DNA-binding proteinXF_1998Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)90 AA
Q9PDV8Y1271_XYLFAUPF0250 protein XF_1271XF_1271Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)92 AA
Q9PFV3Y554_XYLFAUPF0102 protein XF_0554XF_0554Xylella fastidiosa (strain 9a5c)121 AA
B0U2Y2SLYX_XYLFMProtein SlyX homologslyX, Xfasm12_1275Xylella fastidiosa (strain M12)78 AA
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