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Spatiotemporal transcriptomics reveals the evolutionary history of the endoderm germ layer.Hashimshony T., Feder M., Levin M., Hall B.K., Yanai I.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCNature 519:219-222 (2015)Mapped to99+
High-throughput capturing and characterization of mutations in essential genes of Caenorhabditis elegans.Chu J.S., Chua S.Y., Wong K., Davison A.M., Johnsen R., Baillie D.L., Rose A.M.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCBMC Genomics 15:361-361 (2014)Mapped to99+
The million mutation project: a new approach to genetics in Caenorhabditis elegans.Thompson O., Edgley M., Strasbourger P., Flibotte S., Ewing B., Adair R., Au V., Chaudhry I., Fernando L.[...], Waterston R.H.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 23:1749-1762 (2013)Mapped to99+
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A genome-wide collection of Mos1 transposon insertion mutants for the C. elegans research community.Vallin E., Gallagher J., Granger L., Martin E., Belougne J., Maurizio J., Duverger Y., Scaglione S., Borrel C.[...], Ewbank J.J.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 7:e30482-e30482 (2012)Mapped to99+
Chromosome-scale selective sweeps shape Caenorhabditis elegans genomic diversity.Andersen E.C., Gerke J.P., Shapiro J.A., Crissman J.R., Ghosh R., Bloom J.S., Felix M.A., Kruglyak L.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCNat Genet 44:285-290 (2012)Mapped to99+
Allelic ratios and the mutational landscape reveal biologically significant heterozygous SNVs.Chu J.S., Johnsen R.C., Chua S.Y., Tu D., Dennison M., Marra M., Jones S.J., Baillie D.L., Rose A.M.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCGenetics 190:1225-1233 (2012)Mapped to99+
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A spatial and temporal map of C. elegans gene expression.Spencer W.C., Zeller G., Watson J.D., Henz S.R., Watkins K.L., McWhirter R.D., Petersen S., Sreedharan V.T., Widmer C.[...], Miller D.M.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 21:325-341 (2011)Mapped to99+
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The NemaGENETAG initiative: large scale transposon insertion gene-tagging in Caenorhabditis elegans.Bazopoulou D., Tavernarakis N.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCGenetica 137:39-46 (2009)Mapped to99+
A semi-automated high-throughput approach to the generation of transposon insertion mutants in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.Duverger Y., Belougne J., Scaglione S., Brandli D., Beclin C., Ewbank J.J.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCNucleic Acids Res 35:e11-e11 (2007)Mapped to99+
Mutational accessibility of essential genes on chromosome I(left) in Caenorhabditis elegans.Johnsen R.C., Jones S.J., Rose A.M.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00008851PubMedEurope PMCMol Gen Genet 263:239-252 (2000)Mapped to99+