- ProteinUncharacterized protein, isoform B
- Geneanon-EST:Posey178
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Amino acids732 (go to sequence)
- Protein existenceEvidence at protein level
- Annotation score3/5
Publications for Q9VHQ8
Genetics of alcohol consumption in Drosophila melanogaster.
- CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
Target genes of Dpp/BMP signaling pathway revealed by transcriptome profiling in the early D.melanogaster embryo.
- CategoryExpression
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
Transient junction anisotropies orient annular cell polarization in the Drosophila airway tubes.
- CategoriesFunction, Subcellular Location
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
The genetic basis for variation in olfactory behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.
- CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
An extracellular interactome of immunoglobulin and LRR proteins reveals receptor-ligand networks.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
The many landscapes of recombination in Drosophila melanogaster.
- CategorySequences
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
A genome-wide Drosophila screen for heat nociception identifies alpha2delta3 as an evolutionarily conserved pain gene.
- CategoryPhenotypes & Variants
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
Systematic genetic analysis of muscle morphogenesis and function in Drosophila.
- CategoryFunction
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
Identification and expression analysis of putative mRNA-like non-coding RNA in Drosophila.
- CategoriesSequences, Expression
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
A genetic screen for suppressors of Drosophila NSF2 neuromuscular junction overgrowth.
- CategorySequences
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
Gene expression profiling of the developing Drosophila CNS midline cells.
- CategoryExpression
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801
The immunoglobulin superfamily in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans and the evolution of complexity.
- CategorySequences
- SourceFlyBase: FBgn0266801