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Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: release 3 of the Drosophila melanogaster euchromatic genome sequence.Celniker S.E., Wheeler D.A., Kronmiller B., Carlson J.W., Halpern A., Patel S., Adams M., Champe M., Dugan S.P.[...], Rubin G.M.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]StrainBerkeleyCategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCGenome Biol. 3:RESEARCH0079-RESEARCH0079 (2002)Cited in299+Mapped to12
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The Release 5.1 annotation of Drosophila melanogaster heterochromatin.Smith C.D., Shu S., Mungall C.J., Karpen G.H.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]StrainBerkeleyCategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCScience 316:1586-1591 (2007)Cited in99+Mapped to2
Sequence finishing and mapping of Drosophila melanogaster heterochromatin.Hoskins R.A., Carlson J.W., Kennedy C., Acevedo D., Evans-Holm M., Frise E., Wan K.H., Park S., Mendez-Lago M.[...], Celniker S.E.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]StrainBerkeleyCategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCScience 316:1625-1628 (2007)Cited in199+
Gene Model Annotations for Drosophila melanogaster: Impact of High- Throughput Data.FlyBase ConsortiumMatthews B.B., Dos Santos G., Crosby M.A., Emmert D.B., St Pierre S.E., Gramates L.S., Zhou P., Schroeder A.J., Falls K.[...], Gelbart W.M.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCG3 (Bethesda) 5:1721-1736 (2015)Cited in99+Mapped to99+
Gene Model Annotations for Drosophila melanogaster: The Rule-Benders.FlyBase ConsortiumCrosby M.A., Gramates L.S., Dos Santos G., Matthews B.B., St Pierre S.E., Zhou P., Schroeder A.J., Falls K., Emmert D.B.[...], Gelbart W.M.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCG3 (Bethesda) 5:1737-1749 (2015)Cited in99+Mapped to99+
The Release 6 reference sequence of the Drosophila melanogaster genome.Hoskins R.A., Carlson J.W., Wan K.H., Park S., Mendez I., Galle S.E., Booth B.W., Pfeiffer B.D., George R.A.[...], Celniker S.E.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 25:445-458 (2015)Cited in99+Mapped to24
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Drosophila melanogaster release 4 sequence.Berkeley Drosophila Genome ProjectCelniker S., Carlson J., Wan K., Pfeiffer B., Frise E., George R., Hoskins R., Stapleton M., Pacleb J.[...], Rubin G.Cited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (JUN-2024)Cited in99+
Dissecting the roles of EIF4G homologs reveals DAP5 as a modifier of CGG repeat-associated toxicity in a Drosophila model of FXTAS.Malik I., Tseng Y.J., Wieland C.M., Green K.M., Zheng K., Calleja K., Todd P.K.View abstractCategoryNamesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCNeurobiol Dis 184:106212-106212 (2023)Mapped to17
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E-5 is required for spermiogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster.Shao L., Fingerhut J.M., Falk B.L., Han H., Maldonado G., Qiao Y., Lee V., Hall E., Chen L.[...], Brill J.A.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCDevelopment 150:dev200477-dev200477 (2023)Mapped to22
Microtubule and Actin Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Male Meiotic Cells of <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>.Frappaolo A., Piergentili R., Giansanti M.G.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCCells 11:695-695 (2022)Mapped to99
Genome-wide phenotypic RNAi screen in the Drosophila wing: phenotypic description of functional classes.Lopez-Varea A., Vega-Cuesta P., Ruiz-Gomez A., Ostale C.M., Molnar C., Hevia C.F., Martin M., Organista M.F., de Celis J.[...], de Celis J.F.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCG3 (Bethesda) 11:jkab349-jkab349 (2021)Mapped to99+
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Patterning the Drosophila embryo: A paradigm for RNA-based developmental genetic regulation.Lasko P.View abstractCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCWiley Interdiscip Rev RNA 11:e1610-e1610 (2020)Mapped to76
Sequence-Independent Self-Assembly of Germ Granule mRNAs into Homotypic Clusters.Trcek T., Douglas T.E., Grosch M., Yin Y., Eagle W.V.I., Gavis E.R., Shroff H., Rothenberg E., Lehmann R.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCMol Cell 78:941-950.e12 (2020)Mapped to69
Defining the expression of piRNA and transposable elements in <i>Drosophila</i> ovarian germline stem cells and somatic support cells.Story B., Ma X., Ishihara K., Li H., Hall K., Peak A., Anoja P., Park J., Haug J.[...], Xie T.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCLife Sci Alliance 2:e201800211-e201800211 (2019)Mapped to99+
Satellite DNA-containing gigantic introns in a unique gene expression program during Drosophila spermatogenesis.Fingerhut J.M., Moran J.V., Yamashita Y.M.View abstractCategorySequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Genet 15:e1008028-e1008028 (2019)Mapped to99+
The genetic basis for variation in resistance to infection in the Drosophila melanogaster genetic reference panel.Wang J.B., Lu H.L., St Leger R.J.View abstractCategorySequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Pathog 13:e1006260-e1006260 (2017)Mapped to99+
Seizure control through genetic and pharmacological manipulation of Pumilio in Drosophila: a key component of neuronal homeostasis.Lin W.H., Giachello C.N., Baines R.A.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0260634PubMedEurope PMCDis Model Mech 10:141-150 (2017)Mapped to99+