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Selected reaction monitoring to determine protein abundance in Arabidopsis using the Arabidopsis proteotypic predictor.Taylor N.L., Fenske R., Castleden I., Tomaz T., Nelson C.J., Millar A.H.View abstractCited forGENE FAMILY, IDENTIFICATION BY MASS SPECTROMETRYCategoriesNames, SequencesSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol. 164:525-536 (2014)Cited in2Mapped to3
Transition Zone1 Negatively Regulates <i>Arabidopsis</i> Aluminum Resistance Through Interaction With Aconitases.Liu J., Shi B., Zhang M., Liu G., Ding Z., Tian H.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceTAIR: AT4G26970PubMedEurope PMCFront Plant Sci 12:827797-827797 (2021)Mapped to5
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Systems analysis of seed filling in Arabidopsis: using general linear modeling to assess concordance of transcript and protein expression.Hajduch M., Hearne L.B., Miernyk J.A., Casteel J.E., Joshi T., Agrawal G.K., Song Z., Zhou M., Xu D., Thelen J.J.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceTAIR: AT4G26970PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol. 152:2078-2087 (2010)Cited in1Mapped to99+
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