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Somatic inactivation of the PHD2 prolyl hydroxylase causes polycythemia and congestive heart failure.Minamishima Y.A., Moslehi J., Bardeesy N., Cullen D., Bronson R.T., Kaelin W.G. Jr.View abstractCited forDISRUPTION PHENOTYPE, FUNCTIONCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCBlood 111:3236-3244 (2008)Cited in1Mapped to4
Enhancement of angiogenesis through stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 by silencing prolyl hydroxylase domain-2 gene.Wu S., Nishiyama N., Kano M.R., Morishita Y., Miyazono K., Itaka K., Chung U.I., Kataoka K.View abstractCited forDISRUPTION PHENOTYPE, FUNCTIONCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCMol. Ther. 16:1227-1234 (2008)Cited in1Mapped to1
A tissue-specific atlas of mouse protein phosphorylation and expression.Huttlin E.L., Jedrychowski M.P., Elias J.E., Goswami T., Rad R., Beausoleil S.A., Villen J., Haas W., Sowa M.E., Gygi S.P.View abstractCited forIDENTIFICATION BY MASS SPECTROMETRY [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS]TissueBrown adipose tissue, Heart, Lung, TestisCategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCCell 143:1174-1189 (2010)Cited in99+99+Mapped to6
Prolyl hydroxylase domain protein 2 (PHD2) mediates oxygen-induced retinopathy in neonatal mice.Duan L.J., Takeda K., Fong G.H.View abstractCited forDISRUPTION PHENOTYPE, FUNCTIONCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCAm. J. Pathol. 178:1881-1890 (2011)Cited in1Mapped to1
CRISPR editing of anti-anemia drug target rescues independent preclinical models of retinitis pigmentosa.Nolan N.D., Cui X., Robbings B.M., Demirkol A., Pandey K., Wu W.H., Hu H.F., Jenny L.A., Lin C.S.[...], Tsang S.H.View abstractSourceMGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCCell Rep Med 5:101459-101459 (2024)Mapped to23
Endothelial specific prolyl hydroxylase domain-containing protein 2 deficiency attenuates aging-related obesity and exercise intolerance.Pan L., He X., Xu R., Bhattarai U., Niu Z., do Carmo J., Sun Y., Zeng H., Clemmer J.S.[...], Chen Y.View abstractAnnotationEndothelial specific prolyl hydroxylase domain-containing protein 2 deficiency attenuates aging-related obesity and exercise intolerance.SourceGeneRif: 112405PubMedEurope PMCGeroscience 46:3945-3956 (2024)Mapped to2
Loss of prolyl hydroxylase 1 and 2 in SM22alpha-expressing cells prevents Hypoxia-Induced pulmonary hypertension.Barnes E.A., Ito R., Che X., Alvira C.M., Cornfield D.N.View abstractAnnotationLoss of prolyl hydroxylase 1 and 2 in SM22alpha-expressing cells prevents Hypoxia-Induced pulmonary hypertension.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 112405, MGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCAm J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 325:L741-L755 (2023)Mapped to20
Prolonged hypoxia alleviates prolyl hydroxylation-mediated suppression of RIPK1 to promote necroptosis and inflammation.Zhang T., Xu D., Liu J., Wang M., Duan L.J., Liu M., Meng H., Zhuang Y., Wang H.[...], Wei W.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCNat Cell Biol 25:950-962 (2023)Mapped to27
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HIF prolyl hydroxylase 2/3 deletion disrupts astrocytic integrity and exacerbates neuroinflammation.Rosiewicz K.S., Muinjonov B., Kunz S., Radbruch H., Chen J., Juttner R., Kerkering J., Ucar J., Crowley T.[...], Siffrin V.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCGlia 71:2024-2044 (2023)Mapped to4
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The HIF-prolyl hydroxylases have distinct and nonredundant roles in colitis-associated cancer.Kennel K.B., Burmeister J., Radhakrishnan P., Giese N.A., Giese T., Salfenmoser M., Gebhardt J.M., Strowitzki M.J., Taylor C.T.[...], Harnoss J.M.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCJCI Insight 7:e153337-e153337 (2022)Mapped to8
HIF1 inhibitor acriflavine rescues early-onset preeclampsia phenotype in mice lacking placental prolyl hydroxylase domain protein 2.Sallais J., Park C., Alahari S., Porter T., Liu R., Kurt M., Farrell A., Post M., Caniggia I.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCJCI Insight 7:e158908-e158908 (2022)Mapped to78
Adipocyte-derived lactate is a signalling metabolite that potentiates adipose macrophage inflammation via targeting PHD2.Feng T., Zhao X., Gu P., Yang W., Wang C., Guo Q., Long Q., Liu Q., Cheng Y.[...], Hui X.View abstractAnnotationAdipocyte-derived lactate is a signalling metabolite that potentiates adipose macrophage inflammation via targeting PHD2.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 112405, MGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCNat Commun 13:5208-5208 (2022)Mapped to38
Myeloid PHD2 deficiency accelerates neointima formation via Hif-1alpha.Christoph M., Pfluecke C., Mensch M., Augstein A., Jellinghaus S., Ende G., Mierke J., Franke K., Wielockx B.[...], Poitz D.M.View abstractAnnotationMyeloid PHD2 deficiency accelerates neointima formation via Hif-1alpha.CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceGeneRif: 112405, MGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCMol Immunol 149:48-58 (2022)Mapped to11
AMP-activated protein kinase alpha1 phosphorylates PHD2 to maintain systemic iron homeostasis.Wang C., Zhang W., Xu W., Liu Z., Huang K.View abstractAnnotationAMP-activated protein kinase alpha1 phosphorylates PHD2 to maintain systemic iron homeostasis.CategoriesFunction, PTM / ProcessingSourceGeneRif: 112405PubMedEurope PMCClin Transl Med 12:e854-e854 (2022)Mapped to17
Deletion of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl 4-hydroxylase 2 in FoxD1- lineage mesenchymal cells leads to congenital truncal alopecia.Rosendahl A.H., Monnius M., Laitala A., Railo A., Miinalainen I., Heljasvaara R., Maki J.M., Myllyharju J.View abstractAnnotationDeletion of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl 4-hydroxylase 2 in FoxD1-lineage mesenchymal cells leads to congenital truncal alopecia.CategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceGeneRif: 112405, MGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCJ Biol Chem 298:101787-101787 (2022)Mapped to99+
Adaptation of the Oxygen Sensing System during Lung Development.Kirschner K.M., Kelterborn S., Stehr H., Penzlin J.L.T., Jacobi C.L.J., Endesfelder S., Sieg M., Kruppa J., Dame C., Sciesielski L.K.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceMGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCOxid Med Cell Longev 2022:9714669-9714669 (2022)Mapped to49
The oxygen sensor prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 regulates the in vivo suppressive capacity of regulatory T cells.Ajouaou Y., Azouz A., Taquin A., Denanglaire S., Hussein H., Krayem M., Andris F., Moser M., Goriely S., Leo O.View abstractAnnotationThe oxygen sensor prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 regulates the in vivo suppressive capacity of regulatory T cells.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 112405, MGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCElife 11:e70555-e70555 (2022)Mapped to16
Repression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 contributes to increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production in diabetes.Zheng X., Narayanan S., Xu C., Eliasson Angelstig S., Grunler J., Zhao A., Di Toro A., Bernardi L., Mazzone M.[...], Catrina S.B.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1932286PubMedEurope PMCElife 11:e70714-e70714 (2022)Mapped to13