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Prenatal expression of D-aspartate oxidase causes early cerebral D- aspartate depletion and influences brain morphology and cognitive functions at adulthood.De Rosa A., Mastrostefano F., Di Maio A., Nuzzo T., Saitoh Y., Katane M., Isidori A.M., Caputo V., Marotta P.[...], Errico F.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 2159400PubMedEurope PMCAmino Acids 52:597-617 (2020)Cited in1Mapped to99+
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Hair Cell Mechanotransduction Regulates Spontaneous Activity and Spiral Ganglion Subtype Specification in the Auditory System.Sun S., Babola T., Pregernig G., So K.S., Nguyen M., Su S.M., Palermo A.T., Bergles D.E., Burns J.C., Muller U.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 2159400PubMedEurope PMCCell 174:1247-1263.e15 (2018)Mapped to15
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