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BIN1 is a novel Myc-interacting protein with features of a tumour suppressor.Sakamuro D., Elliott K.J., Wechsler-Reya R., Prendergast G.C.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceMGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCNat. Genet. 14:69-76 (1996)Cited in2Mapped to7
BIN1 regulates actin-membrane interactions during IRSp53-dependent filopodia formation.Picas L., Andre-Arpin C., Comunale F., Bousquet H., Tsai F.C., Rico F., Maiuri P., Pernier J., Bodin S.[...], Miserey S.View abstractAnnotationBIN1 regulates actin-membrane interactions during IRSp53-dependent filopodia formation.SourceGeneRif: 30948PubMedEurope PMCCommun Biol 7:549-549 (2024)Mapped to17
BIN1 knockdown rescues systolic dysfunction in aging male mouse hearts.Westhoff M., Del Villar S.G., Voelker T.L., Thai P.N., Spooner H.C., Costa A.D., Sirish P., Chiamvimonvat N., Dickson E.J., Dixon R.E.View abstractAnnotationBIN1 knockdown rescues systolic dysfunction in aging male mouse hearts.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 30948PubMedEurope PMCNat Commun 15:3528-3528 (2024)Mapped to4
BIN1<sup>K358R</sup> suppresses glial response to plaques in mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.Garcia-Agudo L.F., Shi Z., Smith I.F., Kramar E.A., Tran K., Kawauchi S., Wang S., Collins S., Walker A.[...], Green K.N.View abstractSourceMGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCAlzheimers Dement 20:2922-2942 (2024)Mapped to9
Bridging integrator 1 fragment accelerates tau aggregation and propagation by enhancing clathrin-mediated endocytosis in mice.Zhang X., Zou L., Tang L., Xiong M., Yan X.X., Meng L., Chen G., Xiong J., Nie S.[...], Zhang Z.View abstractAnnotationBridging integrator 1 fragment accelerates tau aggregation and propagation by enhancing clathrin-mediated endocytosis in mice.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 30948, MGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Biol 22:e3002470-e3002470 (2024)Mapped to5
BIN1, Myotubularin, and Dynamin-2 Coordinate T-Tubule Growth in Cardiomyocytes.Perdreau-Dahl H., Lipsett D.B., Frisk M., Kermani F., Carlson C.R., Brech A., Shen X., Bergan-Dahl A., Hou Y.[...], Louch W.E.View abstractAnnotationBIN1 Myotubularin and Dynamin-2 Coordinate T-Tubule Growth in Cardiomyocytes.CategoriesFunction, Subcellular LocationSourceGeneRif: 30948PubMedEurope PMCCirc Res 132:e188-e205 (2023)Mapped to36
EHBP1L1, an apicobasal polarity regulator, is critical for nuclear polarization during enucleation of erythroblasts.Wu J., Moriwaki K., Asuka T., Nakai R., Kanda S., Taniguchi M., Sugiyama T., Yoshimura S.I., Kunii M.[...], Harada A.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCBlood Adv 7:3382-3394 (2023)Mapped to74
Inactivating the lipid kinase activity of PI3KC2beta is sufficient to rescue myotubular myopathy in mice.Massana-Munoz X., Goret M., Nattarayan V., Reiss D., Kretz C., Chicanne G., Payrastre B., Vanhaesebroeck B., Laporte J.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceMGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCJCI Insight 8:e151933-e151933 (2023)Mapped to15
Polycystin-1 Is a Crucial Regulator of BIN1 Expression and T-Tubule Remodeling Associated with the Development of Dilated Cardiomyopathy.Diaz-Vesga M.C., Flores-Vergara R., Riquelme J.A., Llancaqueo M., Sanchez G., Vergara C., Michea L., Donoso P., Quest A.F.G.[...], Pedrozo Z.View abstractAnnotationPolycystin-1 Is a Crucial Regulator of BIN1 Expression and T-Tubule Remodeling Associated with the Development of Dilated Cardiomyopathy.CategoriesExpressionSourceGeneRif: 30948, MGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCInt J Mol Sci 24:667-667 (2022)Mapped to18
Tamoxifen improves muscle structure and function of Bin1- and Dnm2-related centronuclear myopathies.Gineste C., Simon A., Braun M., Reiss D., Laporte J.View abstractAnnotationTamoxifen improves muscle structure and function of Bin1- and Dnm2-related centronuclear myopathies.CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceGeneRif: 30948PubMedEurope PMCBrain 146:3029-3048 (2023)Mapped to10
Loss of forebrain BIN1 attenuates hippocampal pathology and neuroinflammation in a tauopathy model.Ponnusamy M., Wang S., Yuksel M., Hansen M.T., Blazier D.M., McMillan J.D., Zhang X., Dammer E.B., Collier L., Thinakaran G.View abstractAnnotationLoss of forebrain BIN1 attenuates hippocampal pathology and neuroinflammation in a tauopathy model.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 30948PubMedEurope PMCBrain 146:1561-1579 (2023)Mapped to4
Dynamin-2 reduction rescues the skeletal myopathy of a SPEG-deficient mouse model.Li Q., Lin J., Widrick J.J., Luo S., Li G., Zhang Y., Laporte J., Perrella M.A., Liu X., Agrawal P.B.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCJCI Insight 7:e157336-e157336 (2022)Mapped to22
BIN1 is a key regulator of proinflammatory and neurodegeneration-related activation in microglia.Sudwarts A., Ramesha S., Gao T., Ponnusamy M., Wang S., Hansen M., Kozlova A., Bitarafan S., Kumar P.[...], Rangaraju S.View abstractAnnotationBIN1 is a key regulator of proinflammatory and neurodegeneration-related activation in microglia.CategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceGeneRif: 30948, MGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCMol Neurodegener 17:33-33 (2022)Mapped to14
Nociceptor-derived Reg3gamma prevents endotoxic death by targeting kynurenine pathway in microglia.Sugisawa E., Kondo T., Kumagai Y., Kato H., Takayama Y., Isohashi K., Shimosegawa E., Takemura N., Hayashi Y.[...], Maruyama K.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 108092PubMedEurope PMCCell Rep. 38:110462-110462 (2022)Cited in2Mapped to40