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Depletion of the C. elegans NAC engages the unfolded protein response, resulting in increased chaperone expression and apoptosis.Arsenovic P.T., Maldonado A.T., Colleluori V.D., Bloss T.A.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, DISRUPTION PHENOTYPECategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPLoS ONE 7:e44038-e44038 (2012)Cited in2Mapped to2
The demethylase NMAD-1 regulates DNA replication and repair in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline.Wang S.Y., Mao H., Shibuya H., Uzawa S., O'Brown Z.K., Wesenberg S., Shin N., Saito T.T., Gao J.[...], Greer E.L.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Genet. 15:E1008252-E1008252 (2019)Cited in6Mapped to99+
Functional Proteomics Identifies a PICS Complex Required for piRNA Maturation and Chromosome Segregation.Zeng C., Weng C., Wang X., Yan Y.H., Li W.J., Xu D., Hong M., Liao S., Dong M.Q.[...], Guang S.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCCell Rep. 27:3561-3572 (2019)Cited in8Mapped to99+
Regulated nuclear accumulation of a histone methyltransferase times the onset of heterochromatin formation in <i>C. elegans</i> embryos.Mutlu B., Chen H.M., Moresco J.J., Orelo B.D., Yang B., Gaspar J.M., Keppler-Ross S., Yates J.R., Hall D.H.[...], Mango S.E.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCSci Adv 4:eaat6224-eaat6224 (2018)Mapped to99+
Conformational flexibility within the nascent polypeptide-associated complex enables its interactions with structurally diverse client proteins.Martin E.M., Jackson M.P., Gamerdinger M., Gense K., Karamonos T.K., Humes J.R., Deuerling E., Ashcroft A.E., Radford S.E.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCJ Biol Chem 293:8554-8568 (2018)Mapped to2
A tissue-specific protein purification approach in Caenorhabditis elegans identifies novel interaction partners of DLG-1/Discs large.Waaijers S., Munoz J., Berends C., Ramalho J.J., Goerdayal S.S., Low T.Y., Zoumaro-Djayoon A.D., Hoffmann M., Koorman T.[...], Boxem M.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCBMC Biol. 14:66-66 (2016)Cited in4Mapped to99+
A quantitative genome-wide RNAi screen in C. elegans for antifungal innate immunity genes.Zugasti O., Thakur N., Belougne J., Squiban B., Kurz C.L., Soule J., Omi S., Tichit L., Pujol N., Ewbank J.J.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCBMC Biol 14:35-35 (2016)Mapped to99+
Transcription Factor Activity Mapping of a Tissue-Specific <i>in vivo</i> Gene Regulatory Network.MacNeil L.T., Pons C., Arda H.E., Giese G.E., Myers C.L., Walhout A.J.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCCell Syst 1:152-162 (2015)Mapped to99+
The principle of antagonism ensures protein targeting specificity at the endoplasmic reticulum.Gamerdinger M., Hanebuth M.A., Frickey T., Deuerling E.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCScience 348:201-207 (2015)Mapped to2
A ribonuclease coordinates siRNA amplification and mRNA cleavage during RNAi.Tsai H.Y., Chen C.C., Conte D. Jr., Moresco J.J., Chaves D.A., Mitani S., Yates J.R., Tsai M.D., Mello C.C.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCCell 160:407-419 (2015)Mapped to99+
Spatiotemporal transcriptomics reveals the evolutionary history of the endoderm germ layer.Hashimshony T., Feder M., Levin M., Hall B.K., Yanai I.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCNature 519:219-222 (2015)Mapped to99+
Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in Caenorhabditis elegans.Bazopoulou D., Tavernarakis N.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCCurr Top Membr 59:49-79 (2007)Mapped to2
The nascent polypeptide-associated complex is essential for autophagic flux.Guo B., Huang J., Wu W., Feng D., Wang X., Chen Y., Zhang H.View abstractCategoriesExpression, InteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042, WormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCAutophagy 10:1738-1748 (2014)Mapped to4
The million mutation project: a new approach to genetics in Caenorhabditis elegans.Thompson O., Edgley M., Strasbourger P., Flibotte S., Ewing B., Adair R., Au V., Chaudhry I., Fernando L.[...], Waterston R.H.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 23:1749-1762 (2013)Mapped to99+
Extensive rewiring and complex evolutionary dynamics in a C. elegans multiparameter transcription factor network.Reece-Hoyes J.S., Pons C., Diallo A., Mori A., Shrestha S., Kadreppa S., Nelson J., Diprima S., Dricot A.[...], Walhout A.J.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceIntAct: Q86S66, WormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCMol Cell 51:116-127 (2013)Mapped to99+
The nascent polypeptide-associated complex is a key regulator of proteostasis.Kirstein-Miles J., Scior A., Deuerling E., Morimoto R.I.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCEMBO J 32:1451-1468 (2013)Mapped to63
RNA surveillance is required for endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis.Sakaki K., Yoshina S., Shen X., Han J., DeSantis M.R., Xiong M., Mitani S., Kaufman R.J.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109:8079-8084 (2012)Mapped to99+
Developmental milestones punctuate gene expression in the Caenorhabditis embryo.Levin M., Hashimshony T., Wagner F., Yanai I.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCDev Cell 22:1101-1108 (2012)Mapped to99+
Inactivation of conserved C. elegans genes engages pathogen- and xenobiotic-associated defenses.Melo J.A., Ruvkun G.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCCell 149:452-466 (2012)Mapped to99+
A genome-wide RNAi screen identifies genes regulating the formation of P bodies in C. elegans and their functions in NMD and RNAi.Sun Y., Yang P., Zhang Y., Bao X., Li J., Hou W., Yao X., Han J., Zhang H.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCProtein Cell 2:918-939 (2011)Mapped to99+
Core promoter T-blocks correlate with gene expression levels in C. elegans.Grishkevich V., Hashimshony T., Yanai I.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 21:707-717 (2011)Mapped to99+
A spatial and temporal map of C. elegans gene expression.Spencer W.C., Zeller G., Watson J.D., Henz S.R., Watkins K.L., McWhirter R.D., Petersen S., Sreedharan V.T., Widmer C.[...], Miller D.M.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 21:325-341 (2011)Mapped to99+
Whole genome sequencing highlights genetic changes associated with laboratory domestication of C. elegans.Weber K.P., De S., Kozarewa I., Turner D.J., Babu M.M., de Bono M.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 5:e13922-e13922 (2010)Mapped to99+
Functional genomic identification of genes required for male gonadal differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans.Kalis A.K., Kroetz M.B., Larson K.M., Zarkower D.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceWormBase: WBGene00022042PubMedEurope PMCGenetics 185:523-535 (2010)Mapped to99+