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The central regulatory circuit in the gene network controlling the morphogenesis of Drosophila mechanoreceptors: an in silico analysis.Bukharina T.A., Golubyatnikov V.P., Furman D.P.View abstractSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCVavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii 27:746-754 (2023)Mapped to29
Sites of transcription initiation drive mRNA isoform selection.Alfonso-Gonzalez C., Legnini I., Holec S., Arrigoni L., Ozbulut H.C., Mateos F., Koppstein D., Rybak-Wolf A., Bonisch U.[...], Hilgers V.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCCell 186:2438-2455.e22 (2023)Mapped to42
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Tumor elimination by clustered microRNAs miR-306 and miR-79 via noncanonical activation of JNK signaling.Wang Z., Xia X., Li J., Igaki T.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCElife 11:e77340-e77340 (2022)Mapped to87
Transcriptome analysis of FOXO-dependent hypoxia gene expression identifies Hipk as a regulator of low oxygen tolerance in Drosophila.Ding K., Barretto E.C., Johnston M., Lee B., Gallo M., Grewal S.S.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCG3 (Bethesda) 12:jkac263-jkac263 (2022)Mapped to99+
Genome-wide phenotypic RNAi screen in the Drosophila wing: phenotypic description of functional classes.Lopez-Varea A., Vega-Cuesta P., Ruiz-Gomez A., Ostale C.M., Molnar C., Hevia C.F., Martin M., Organista M.F., de Celis J.[...], de Celis J.F.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCG3 (Bethesda) 11:jkab349-jkab349 (2021)Mapped to99+
A splicing variant of Charlatan, a Drosophila REST-like molecule, preferentially localizes to axons.Yamasaki Y., Lim Y.M., Minami R., Tsuda L.View abstractCategoriesSubcellular LocationSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCBiochem Biophys Res Commun 578:35-41 (2021)Mapped to8
Genomics of Recombination Rate Variation in Temperature-Evolved Drosophila melanogaster Populations.Winbush A., Singh N.D.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCGenome Biol Evol 13:evaa252-evaa252 (2021)Mapped to99+
A single-cell atlas and lineage analysis of the adult Drosophila ovary.Rust K., Byrnes L.E., Yu K.S., Park J.S., Sneddon J.B., Tward A.D., Nystul T.G.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCNat Commun 11:5628-5628 (2020)Mapped to99+
There and back again: The mechanisms of differentiation and transdifferentiation in Drosophila blood cells.Csordas G., Gabor E., Honti V.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCDev Biol 469:135-143 (2021)Mapped to99+
Drosophila R8 photoreceptor cell subtype specification requires hibris.Tan H., Fulton R.E., Chou W.H., Birkholz D.A., Mannino M.P., Yamaguchi D.M., Aldrich J.C., Jacobsen T.L., Britt S.G.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 15:e0240451-e0240451 (2020)Mapped to64
Comparative RNA-Seq analyses of Drosophila plasmatocytes reveal gene specific signatures in response to clean injury and septic injury.Ramond E., Dudzic J.P., Lemaitre B.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 15:e0235294-e0235294 (2020)Mapped to99+
Priming exposures to lipopolysaccharides do not affect the induction of Polycomb target genes upon re-exposure.Geigges M., Arekatla G., Paro R.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 15:e0231498-e0231498 (2020)Mapped to99+
Expression-Based Cell Lineage Analysis in <i>Drosophila</i> Through a Course-Based Research Experience for Early Undergraduates.Olson J.M., Evans C.J., Ngo K.T., Kim H.J., Nguyen J.D., Gurley K.G.H., Ta T., Patel V., Han L.[...], Banerjee U.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCG3 (Bethesda) 9:3791-3800 (2019)Mapped to99+
Amyloid-like Assembly Activates a Phosphatase in the Developing Drosophila Embryo.Nil Z., Hervas R., Gerbich T., Leal P., Yu Z., Saraf A., Sardiu M., Lange J.J., Yi K.[...], Si K.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCCell 178:1403-1420.E21 (2019)Cited in3Mapped to97
<i>Drosophila</i> Cellular Immunity Against Parasitoid Wasps: A Complex and Time-Dependent Process.Kim-Jo C., Gatti J.L., Poirie M.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCFront Physiol 10:603-603 (2019)Mapped to12
A Comprehensive Drosophila melanogaster Transcription Factor Interactome.Shokri L., Inukai S., Hafner A., Weinand K., Hens K., Vedenko A., Gisselbrecht S.S., Dainese R., Bischof J.[...], Bulyk M.L.View abstractCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCCell Rep 27:955-970.e7 (2019)Mapped to99+
Sensory neuron lineage mapping and manipulation in the Drosophila olfactory system.Chai P.C., Cruchet S., Wigger L., Benton R.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0015371PubMedEurope PMCNat Commun 10:643-643 (2019)Mapped to99+