No title available.NIH - Zebrafish Gene Collection (ZGC) projectCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE MRNA]TissueKidneyCategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (FEB-2004)Cited in7899+
The zebrafish gene map defines ancestral vertebrate chromosomes.Woods I.G., Wilson C., Friedlander B., Chang P., Reyes D.K., Nix R., Kelly P.D., Chu F., Postlethwait J.H., Talbot W.S.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 15:1307-1314 (2005)Cited in99+
Zebrafish midbrain slow-amplifying progenitors exhibit high levels of transcripts for nucleotide and ribosome biogenesis.Recher G., Jouralet J., Brombin A., Heuze A., Mugniery E., Hermel J.M., Desnoulez S., Savy T., Herbomel P.[...], Joly J.S.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCDevelopment 140:4860-4869 (2013)Cited in72Mapped to8
The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome.Howe K., Clark M.D., Torroja C.F., Torrance J., Berthelot C., Muffato M., Collins J.E., Humphray S., McLaren K.[...], Stemple D.L.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]StrainTuebingenCategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCNature 496:498-503 (2013)Cited in99+99+
Evidence for the conservation of miR-223 in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Implications for function.Roberto V.P., Tiago D.M., Gautvik K., Cancela M.L.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCGene 566:54-62 (2015)Cited in8Mapped to10
High-throughput gene targeting and phenotyping in zebrafish using CRISPR/Cas9.Varshney G.K., Pei W., LaFave M.C., Idol J., Xu L., Gallardo V., Carrington B., Bishop K., Jones M.[...], Burgess S.M.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCGenome Res 25:1030-1042 (2015)Cited in40Mapped to1
A missense mutation in DCDC2 causes human recessive deafness DFNB66, likely by interfering with sensory hair cell and supporting cell cilia length regulation.Grati M., Chakchouk I., Ma Q., Bensaid M., Desmidt A., Turki N., Yan D., Baanannou A., Mittal R.[...], Masmoudi S.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCHum. Mol. Genet. 24:2482-2491 (2015)Cited in33Mapped to3
No title available.EnsemblCited forIDENTIFICATIONStrainTuebingenSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to UniProtKB (NOV-2015)Cited in99+
Additive reductions in zebrafish PRPS1 activity result in a spectrum of deficiencies modeling several human PRPS1-associated diseases.Pei W., Xu L., Varshney G.K., Carrington B., Bishop K., Jones M., Huang S.C., Idol J., Pretorius P.R.[...], Burgess S.M.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCSci Rep 6:29946-29946 (2016)Cited in3Mapped to4
No title available.RefSeqCited forIDENTIFICATIONSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to UniProtKB (JUN-2024)Cited in99+
PRPS polymerization influences lens fiber organization in zebrafish.Begovich K., Yelon D., Wilhelm J.E.View abstractCategoriesExpression, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceZFIN: ZDB-GENE-011212-5, ZFIN: ZDB-GENE-011212-5PubMedEurope PMCDev Dyn 249:1018-1031 (2020)Mapped to7
Guided genetic screen to identify genes essential in the regeneration of hair cells and other tissues.Pei W., Xu L., Huang S.C., Pettie K., Idol J., Rissone A., Jimenez E., Sinclair J.W., Slevin C.[...], Burgess S.M.View abstractCategoriesPhenotypes & VariantsSourceZFIN: ZDB-GENE-011212-5PubMedEurope PMCNPJ Regen Med 3:11-11 (2018)Cited in10Mapped to23