The constitutive elevations of Prdx6 and NF-kappaB during Clonorchis sinensis infection may be associated with more severe persistent hepatobiliary abnormalities mediated by clonorchiasis.
PRDX6 inhibited the carcinogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma and the calcium-independent phospholipase A2 activity of PRDX6 promoted cancer cell death induced by TNF-alpha.
Our findings suggest that overexpression of peroxiredoxin 6 might promote development of rheumatoid arthritis through NF-kappaB and AP-1 activity via the JNK pathway.
The ventral signal observed from E13.5 to E18.5 colocalized with motor neuron markers Isl1/2 and FoxP1 and the strong ventral signal colocalizing with Isl1/2 was observed in all rostrocaudal segments of the spinal cord.
Data show that S100a9 Mmp10 and Ang2 were among the most downregulated genes whereas Per3 Tef and Prdx6 were significantly upregulated in the DMH + Calcium group.
Results showed that CC26 and the expressed in developing to adult chemosensory epithelia with differential timing and the pattern of expression is not identical in VNO and olfactory epithelia as well as the corresponding associated glands.
These findings demonstrate that impaired homeostasis and progression of pathogenesis in Prdx6-deficient lens epithelial cells or in aging cells should be blocked by a supply of Prdx6.
Immunohistochemical analysis revealed segment-specific alterations induced by the ischemic insult. Grx2 Prx3 and Prx6 were highly expressed in proximal tubule cells
Data demonstrate an important anti-apoptotic function for Prdx6 in cancerous liver cells and suggest that its up-regulation may be a tumor-supportive adaptation in cancerous states.
novel findings of decreased PRX6 protein and mRNA and increased levels of carbonylated peroxiredoxin 6 (PRX6) protein were observed in chronically ethanol-treated mice
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