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Transcription factor Nrf1 mediates the proteasome recovery pathway after proteasome inhibition in mammalian cells.Radhakrishnan S.K., Lee C.S., Young P., Beskow A., Chan J.Y., Deshaies R.J.View abstractCited forFUNCTIONCategoryFunctionSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCMol. Cell 38:17-28 (2010)Cited in1Mapped to31
Central nervous system-specific deletion of transcription factor Nrf1 causes progressive motor neuronal dysfunction.Kobayashi A., Tsukide T., Miyasaka T., Morita T., Mizoroki T., Saito Y., Ihara Y., Takashima A., Noguchi N.[...], Yamamoto M.View abstractCited forDISRUPTION PHENOTYPECategoryPhenotypes & VariantsSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCGenes Cells 16:692-703 (2011)Cited in1Mapped to25
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NF-E2-related factor 1 (Nrf1) serves as a novel regulator of hepatic lipid metabolism through regulation of the Lipin1 and PGC-1beta genes.Hirotsu Y., Hataya N., Katsuoka F., Yamamoto M.View abstractCited forFUNCTIONCategoryFunctionSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCMol. Cell. Biol. 32:2760-2770 (2012)Cited in1Mapped to44
Characterization of Nrf1b, a novel isoform of the nuclear factor- erythroid-2 related transcription factor-1 that activates antioxidant response element-regulated genes.Kwong E.K., Kim K.M., Penalosa P.J., Chan J.Y.View abstractCited forALTERNATIVE PROMOTER USAGE, IDENTIFICATION OF ISOFORM 2, FUNCTION, INTERACTION WITH MAFG, SUBCELLULAR LOCATION, TISSUE SPECIFICITYCategoriesFunction, Sequences, Expression, Interaction, Subcellular LocationSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPLoS ONE 7:E48404-E48404 (2012)Cited in1Mapped to31
The casein kinase 2-nrf1 axis controls the clearance of ubiquitinated proteins by regulating proteasome gene expression.Tsuchiya Y., Taniguchi H., Ito Y., Morita T., Karim M.R., Ohtake N., Fukagai K., Ito T., Okamuro S.[...], Kobayashi A.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, PHOSPHORYLATION AT SER-497, MUTAGENESIS OF SER-496; SER-497; SER-499 AND THR-501CategoriesFunction, PTM / Processing, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCMol. Cell. Biol. 33:3461-3472 (2013)Cited in1Mapped to30
Transcription factor NF-E2-related factor 1 impairs glucose metabolism in mice.Hirotsu Y., Higashi C., Fukutomi T., Katsuoka F., Tsujita T., Yagishita Y., Matsuyama Y., Motohashi H., Uruno A., Yamamoto M.View abstractCited forFUNCTIONCategoryFunctionSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCGenes Cells 19:650-665 (2014)Cited in1Mapped to25
The selective post-translational processing of transcription factor Nrf1 yields distinct isoforms that dictate its ability to differentially regulate gene expression.Zhang Y., Li S., Xiang Y., Qiu L., Zhao H., Hayes J.D.View abstractCited forSUBCELLULAR LOCATIONCategorySubcellular LocationSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCSci. Rep. 5:12983-12983 (2015)Cited in1Mapped to6