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Genetic determinants of micronucleus formation in vivo.Adams D.J., Barlas B., McIntyre R.E., Salguero I., van der Weyden L., Barros A., Vicente J.R., Karimpour N., Haider A.[...], White J.K.View abstractSourceMGI: 105084PubMedEurope PMCNature 627:130-136 (2024)Mapped to99+
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Crucial Roles of SATB1 in Regulation of Thymocyte Migration after Positive Selection.Naito T., Ise M., Tanaka Y., Kohwi-Shigematsu T., Kondo M.View abstractAnnotationCrucial Roles of SATB1 in Regulation of Thymocyte Migration after Positive Selection.SourceGeneRif: 20230, MGI: 105084PubMedEurope PMCJ Immunol 211:209-218 (2023)Mapped to9
Distinct hyperactive RAS/MAPK alleles converge on common GABAergic interneuron core programs.Knowles S.J., Stafford A.M., Zaman T., Angara K., Williams M.R., Newbern J.M., Vogt D.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 105084PubMedEurope PMCDevelopment 150:dev201371-dev201371 (2023)Mapped to57
Identification of a novel enhancer essential for <i>Satb1</i> expression in T<sub>H</sub>2 cells and activated ILC2s.Nomura A., Kobayashi T., Seo W., Ohno-Oishi M., Kakugawa K., Muroi S., Yoshida H., Endo T.A., Moro K., Taniuchi I.View abstractAnnotationIdentification of a novel enhancer essential for Satb1 expression in TH2 cells and activated ILC2s.CategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceGeneRif: 20230PubMedEurope PMCLife Sci Alliance 6:e202301897-e202301897 (2023)Mapped to3
SATB1 regulates 3D genome architecture in T cells by constraining chromatin interactions surrounding CTCF-binding sites.Wang B., Ji L., Bian Q.View abstractAnnotationSATB1 regulates 3D genome architecture in T cells by constraining chromatin interactions surrounding CTCF-binding sites.SourceGeneRif: 20230PubMedEurope PMCCell Rep 42:112323-112323 (2023)Mapped to13